Hold On

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There's a thousand ways for things to fall apart
But it's no one's fault, no, it's not my fault
And maybe all the plans we made might not work out
But I have no doubt, even though it's hard to see
I've got faith in us, I believe in you and me

----Hold On, Michael Buble

May 18, 2018

Cait was so annoyed that she walked a good ten blocks before she thought to hail a cab after leaving the brownstone.  Intellectually, she'd known that her grandmother would object to her engagement, but some small part of her had held out hope that it would be different.  That once she saw that Cait wasn't going to change her mind, she would resign herself to the fact of her granddaughter's impending marriage.

Once she got back to her apartment, she called her father and filled him in.  "Time to execute the second phase of my plan," she sighed.  "It went just as expected.  Are you sure you don't mind doing this?"

"Not at all, sweetheart," Jack told her.  "I think Joan is actually kind of excited about it.  And I've already made all of the arrangements.  You get some rest and then get back to Durham for your classes next week. Are you okay?  We can come over tonight if you want."

"I'm okay," Cait sighed.  "I wish things were different.  But I'll survive.  I felt awful saying the things I said to her, but I don't know what else I can do."

"Princess," Jack sighed, "I think we all hoped that she would mellow over time.  For awhile, I thought maybe she had.  But her sending you those pictures was really over the line."

"She says she had no intention of ever making them public," Cait frowned.  "And I believe her about that.  But I just," Cait bit her lip.  "I can't believe she would dredge that up.  It was such an unpleasant situation.  She's also had someone following me, apparently.  And she's judging Grayson without ever meeting him."

"Well, if you've read her right, which I suspect you have, that will change," Jack noted wryly.  "At least it won't be on her terms.  I just don't know whether she'll feel any differently."

"I try not to be cynical, but I tend to doubt it," Cait sighed.

May 20, 2018

Cait was once again waiting at the airport for her fiancé.  This time, she actually hoped that her grandmother had someone watching.  She didn't care anymore.

She knew that Grayson would be tired from the combine stuff.  But he had a little time off now.  He was going to work out at Duke with Coach Will and Scheyer.  And they'd be headed back to New York on Thursday to get ready for the very public appearance that Grayson had told Aaron they had before the draft.  And after the holiday weekend, he'd be booked with workouts and visits for NBA teams. 

Right now, though, she wanted to forget all of that, to once again block out the rest of the world and to hold on to Grayson.  Whatever happened from here on out, they were in this together.  And right now, crotchety grandmothers and wedding plans were not what she wanted to focus on.

She kissed him in the airport again, held onto him tightly for a minute and they headed home.  Once they got there, she smiled up at him.  "Do you remember what I said to you in Miami, right before those stupid pictures were taken?"

"Something about leaving everything else at the door," he smiled back.  "That it was just about you and me."

"Can we do that again, without cameras this time?" She bit her lip.


May 21, 2018

Waking up for class still sucked, but it was made better by the presence of a warm body.  Cait woke to the feel of Grayson's arms wrapped around her and she spent a few minutes just luxuriating in the sensation. Her fingers traced over the well-defined muscles and veins in his strong arms and she just enjoyed being in this space that she was certain had been created just for her.  But eventually, she had to get out of bed.

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