You Are My Lady

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There's no way that I can resist
Your precious kiss
Girl, you've got me so hypnotized
Just say that you'll stay with me
'Cause our love was meant to be
I promise to love you
More each day
——You Are My Lady, Freddie Jackson

April 28, 2018

Grayson woke to the feel of Cait's head resting on his chest.  She was cuddled beside him, the hand with that ring curled around his arm.  The rush of happiness that hit him actually stole his breath for a second.

He'd known, for a long time now, that she belonged to him, that she was made for him. But that ring informed the whole world of that fact.

And he was so blessed. She was everything he could ever ask for in a wife. Beautiful and intelligent, yes, but so much more. The connection they shared was so intense. His smile got bigger as he thought about the way she responded to his touch, the sounds she made, the way he could make her moan his name. She always gave herself to him completely, every time he reached for her.

But it was more than the physical connection.  He loved to be with her.  She made him laugh.  She challenged him.  She understood him. She was the only person that his introverted self had ever felt wholly and completely comfortable with. She didn't care if he was weird or dorky or lame sometimes. He knew she loved everything about him. She was such a gift.  And she was his, forever now.

He just laid there for awhile, but before long, she stirred, stretching and then smiling at him.  When she brought her hand to his face, he saw her look wonderingly at that ring.  "Thank goodness it wasn't all a dream," she murmured.

"You're wide awake, Mrs. Allen," he said huskily. 

She laughed.  "That's not my name quite yet, although I do like the way it sounds."  She propped her chin on his chest and smiled that beautiful smile, the one that was just for him.

"You don't want to hyphenate or anything?" Grayson asked.

"Nope." She was still smiling at him.  "Caitlin Allen sounds pretty good to me.  I belong to you."

"Your name is completely your decision." He smiled back.  "Although I obviously like Mrs. Allen, it's up to you.  And you do belong to me.  I'm about to remind you of that all over again.  But first, I have one other question."

"Ask away."  She moved closer and nuzzled her face into his cheek. 

"How soon can we effect that name change and get married?"

Eventually, they got out of bed and turned their phones back on.  "I have 43 text messages," Cait sighed.  "And four voice mails."

"I've got 76 texts and three voice mails," Grayson grinned.  "The knuckleheads didn't waste any time sending that video to all of my teammates."

"Mine are mostly from the kids and Rae, although Marshall, Matt and Justise weighed in," Cait smiled.  "Marshall sent a string of texts, all in capital letters, the jist of which is that he apparently thinks I'm being held against my will and that it was actually some kind of hostage video."

"Nice," Grayson laughed.  "Wait until I see him."

They scrolled through but decided that they really needed to let their parents know what was going on before they dealt with anyone else.  Grayson confessed that not only did Jack know that this was imminent, so did his mother, which meant that his father probably knew too. That caused Cait to shoot him a glance.  "How long have you been planning this?  I thought you wanted to wait until after the draft."

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