They're The Same

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Lyric's eyes flutter open, she walks into her bathroom, the window was shattered, she takes a quick shower, the hot water burning down her back. She walks into her room, she dresses into her uniform, she looks at her reflection.

She got skinnier, but she's still kinda chubby around the legs and cheeks, she looks at her eyes, they had dark bags, she closes her eyes then she walks out to see her mother laid out on the ground she sighs.

She walks towards her car, then she steps inside, driving to school.

She walks over to Nadine, Nadine smiles, hugging her.

"Hey, how was work?" Nadine asks.

"Same old same old, you?" Lyric asks, Nadine rubs her neck, which had a dark bruise.

"Ah, everything's good, almost ripped someone's weave out because she shoved me for no reason." Nadine says.

"Hoe!" Lyric hears Kai scream, Kai storms to Lyric she lunges towards her, Lyric prepares to defend herself but Nadine grabbed ahold of her.

"Let me go bitch!" Kai screams.

"First of all-don't call my friend a bitch when clearly that's all you  are to me, second, what did I do to have you calling me names?" Lyric asked, crossing her arms.

"Ace! He slept with some hussy! You hoes better stay away from my man!" Kai screams.

"What kind of girl are you?" Nadine asks.

"No right, you have a large-" Nadine tries to say.

"Nadine." Lyric groans.

"Nadine is not a whore and I'm not either, so you can take that ghetto shit somewhere else, what kind of girl wants to rip someone's face for a man who treats girls like toys, who wants them for their body, yet you don't respect yourself enough to leave the bastard."

"My baby grown up." Nadine says, Lyric still looks at Kai as people turn to look.

"Drag her ass Kai!" Someone yells.

She could try.

"You proper ass, fake sophisticated over friendly bitch." Kai scoffs.

"Yeah I'm smart, I talk properly and I don't judge anyone, yes I respect myself not to open my legs to some guy who's just going to hurt me again and again, yes I'm nice to everyone because I don't know what they went through, maybe I don't shake my ass for people to like me, I know what my standards are, you don't so can you kindly take that ratchet bullshit to someone who can put up with it?" Lyric says.

"Not all black girls have long nails and big weave Kai so don't start." Nadine says. "Danielle Bregoli ripoff."

"You're right, Ace will never go for a ugly bitch like you, when he sees me, he can't get enough of me, you're just a nobody with Daddy issues." Kai says, Nadine slaps her.

Kai keeps breathing her hot breath on Lyric's face.

I can just end this by exposing her.

"Look, whatever Ace does, I'm not his mother, I'm not into him so no need to throw a fit. Bye Kai."

"Yeah, bye Felicia." Nadine says, Kai grabs Nadine by her hair. Nadine cocks back, punching her in the face, Nadine often fought her older brothers, so she fights like a man.

The principal, Mr. Feirro pulls Nadine off of Kai.

"Go to class! All of you!" Mr. Feirro yells.

"It's my fault Mr. Feirro, don't suspend Nadine." Lyric pleads.

"You weren't the one fighting, so I suggest you get go class too Miss Reid." Mr. Feirro says, Lyric hangs her head low, walking down the hallway, a girl bumps into her.

"Oh I'm sorry." Lyric mumbles sincerely.

"You're fine hun." Lyric looks up to see Claire, she had a warm smile on her face, she's one of the most popular girls in school, she's really nice so she's loveable but Lyric still doesn't understand why she still hangs out with people like Kai.

"Here, an invitation for one of my parties this Saturday." Claire says.

"Thanks Claire, I really appreciate it." Lyric says, opening the invitation, she looks down at it.

"No problem babe." Claire says, Lyric walks to class, Nadine got suspended because of her.

Lyric grabs her phone.

Lyricislit: Hey Nadie, I'm sorry about the suspension.

Nadie101: It's not ur fault, I'll see u later babe.

Lyricislit: Ttyl best friend.

Lyric takes a deep breath then she walks to class.

Just concentrate really hard, you're smart, you're talented.


Lyric walks to the lunchroom, people were so peaceful then the snuck looks at her.

Lyric walks back out, and down the hall.

"Hey baby." Someone coaxes, Lyric turns around, she frowns.

"Who are you?" She asks politely, a guy about 6'2 walks over to her, his white spiked hair covering his forehead he lifts his peirced lips into a mischievous grin.

"I'm Keith, and you must be Lyric, you do have a nice-"

Lyric balls up her fists, someone sneaks up behind her, snaking his arm around her waist.

"Come on, you let him hit that all the time." He coaxes, Lyric closes her eyes, elbowing him in the chest, Keith grabs her foot, causing her to fall, she grimaces, kicking him in the face.

Keith's head snaps to the side, he scowls at her. Lyric's hair covers her face.

"Get her." Keith growls.

Lyric desperately tries to run but she bumps into a firm chest, sending her back and causing her to fall, she scurries back, fear etched on her face.

"Since you're being a bitch, I'm getting straight to the point." Keith says.

"You know someone, so this is nothing personal." Keith says.

"What the hell-" Lyric's breath gets cut off by a violent kick to the stomach. She crumples to the side.

"Get up." Keith growls.

Lyric coughs, she receives another blow to the stomach, a clatter of footsteps interrupts everything. As the group is distracted Lyric makes a run for it to the girl's bathroom.

Tears stream down her face, Lyric shakes her head.

Don't cry Lyric.

"No. Those bastards won't get away with that!" She snaps. But she sinks to the ground, she cries uncontrollably.

"What did I do to deserve this?" Lyric asks herself, her body shakes, she looks at the mirror.

What did he mean?

Lyric slowly raises her shirt, revealing several dark bruises on her stomach, she looks away, she goes into a stall to change into her work uniform, then she walks through the back door. Away from her problems.

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