She Lied

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As Lyric enters the school, she feels a wave of nausea hit her. She sighs and waits at the locker.

"You're a lot more quiet than usual." Ace pipes, Lyric looks up to see Ace towering over her, she smiles.

"Hey Ace."

"You smiled." Ace chuckles.

"I did?" Lyric asks, Ace hugs her.

"You're starting to grow on me." Ace said, Lyric blushes but immediately waves it off.

"You're calm today." Lyric said.

"I'm just glad you're okay." Ace said.

Lyric presses her head against the locker, she looked absoutely sick, Ace tucks a strand of hair behind her ear.

"You okay? You look sick." Ace said. Lyric nods.

"I'll be fine."

"Hey....I have a favor to ask." Ace said.

"Sure." Lyric says.

"Will you come with me to New York?"

Lyric's jaw drops, she raises her eyebrows.

"New York?!!!" She gasps.

Ace nods. "I want to take you to meet my step mom and my sister." He said.

"Me?" Lyric asks.

"Shouldn't you be taking Remi??" Lyric asks.

"That's worse case scenario. I prefer taking you...consider it a vacation."

"I'll talk to Naomi." Lyric sighs, she couldn't resist Ace's was adorable.

"I knew you weren't mad at me!" Ace chirps with a smile on his face.

"Why would I be?" Lyric asks.

Ace looks around nervously. "Well I have to go." Ace said.

His t-shirt under his uniform jacket begun to show, he walks down the hall and some people begun to back up.

Lyric feels the bile rise in her throat and she rushes into the girl's bathroom, she holds her hair back and she pukes into the toilet.

Some girls gag but kept doing makeup in front of the mirror.

"Remi! You look so tired!"

Lyric's throat burned but she kept listening in on the conversation.

"Ace is all over you!"

"It wasn't easy, I know I look good but it took more than that to get Ace wrapped around my finger."

Lyric flushes the toilet then she presses her ear to the door.

"Hell yeah, all boys worry about nowdays are basketball and releasing a mixtape."

"I told Ace that I was pregnant with his baby...dumbass fell for it."

Lyric couldn't stop herself from barging out from the stall, the girls jump.

"Damn..." One girl mutters, dropping her eye shadow into the sink.

Remi rolls her eyes. "Look who it is, little miss goody goody."

Lyric balls up her fists. "Leave me alone." She growls.

"You can't seriously believe that I'm actually pregnant? You're as dumb as Ace."

"Ace isn't dumb." Lyric snaps.

"He's hot but...still dumb." Remi reassures Lyric.

"Do you know what you did to him?!!! He didn't even want to sleep after you lied to him, he wasn't himself. He stressed out for nothing because YOU LIED." Lyric yells.

The girls back up. Remi sneers at her.

"You're a mess." Remi snorts.

Remi rolls up her sleeves to reveal her long nails as Lyric glared at her.

"You're only important because you're another one of his hoes." Remi said with a smile.

"He only hangs out with you because he feels bad for you, just like Nadine. Because Leo got messed up-"

Lyric screams, charging at her with full speed, she tackles her. Remi dug her fingers into Lyric's long hair as Lyric threw wild punches at her face.

The girls run out of the bathroom as Lyric went alpha on Remi who was screaming for her to get off.

"Get off of me!!" Remi yells.

Suddenly someone rips her off, Nadine.

"I-" Before Lyric could even get the word out Nadine slaps her.

"You're crazy!!" Nadine yells at her.

Lyric glares at her. "You." She hissed.

"Why was I even friends with you?" Nadine asks.

Remi slowly stands up, she shoves Lyric against the wall.

"Don't you ever touch me again bitch!" Remi yells in her face.

Nadine hugs Remi, walking outside the bathroom. Lyric looks in the mirror to see her hair tousled, her eyes bloodshot red and her face was red.

She smoothens her hair out then she begun walking to class.


Lyric sat in class, her stomach churning as the teacher lectures. But she kept paying attention as her teacher wrote on the board.

"Lyric?" The teacher asks.

"Yes?" Lyric asks politely.

"Go to the nurse's office, you look pale." She said. Lyric nods and walks out of the classroom.

She gets pinned against the lockers soon as she walks out of the classroom.

Ace glares down at her.

"Remi told me you attacked her." Ace growls.

"That's not the full story." Lyric protests.

"She's pregnant!" Ace barks. Lyric glares at him.

But her glare softens...she frowns.

"She lied Ace, I overheard her in the bathroom."

"You're lying." Ace says, backing away from her.

"It's the truth Ace." Lyric said. "Believe me."

Ace closes his eyes. "Why would she fucking lie?"

"She wanted you Ace, she said several ugly things about you."

"I wouldn't lie about this Ace. If Remi was actually pregnant we'd see some changes now."

Ace sighs. "You don't need to be fighting-"

"Ace, you smashed a student's head in a locker, threw a chair at a student, threw a basketball at the coach's head and dragged two guys down the hall by their shirts." Lyric said.

"And this was all this year." She adds.

"She brought up...Leo."

Ace sighs, Lyric starts walking down the hall, Ace helps her down the hall.

"You'll get sick Ace." Lyric mumbles.

"You need to focus on yourself." Ace said.

"I hate that." Lyric admits.

Ace props her arm over his shoulder, more focused on her health.


After Lyric goes home, Naomi greets her with a hug.

"Lyric!" She chirps. Lyric felt the bile rising in her throat, she rushes to her room and into the bathroom, hunching over the toilet and vomiting.

Please...I can't be pregnant...

She pulls out a pregnancy test the nurse gave her, she flushes the toilet then begun to wait for the results...

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