Ignorance Is Bliss

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Lyric wakes up, she stands in front of her mirror, she sees her scratch marks her mother gave her, she sighs.

"I wish, she would stop hurting me." Lyric said, she opens her drawer to see her uniform. She puts it on, but wore tight khakis. She walks outside to see that Leo left already. Because his door was never open when he's here.

Lyric goes to the bus stop, waiting for the bus to catch her ride.

I know what everyone calls me now. A slut, mean, boring, too innocent to bat an eyelash. But little do they know...my Mom gets wasted or high when she comes home, my brother has a mental disorder, my Dad....LOL. He left, for another woman maybe....who knows? At least he has some control in his life unlike me. I fucking hate Ace, done with Kai. All I ever done was be sweet to everyone I meet....but I get stepped on. Yeah I was mean to Ace, but he's trouble.

Lyric kept staring as she sat alone.

Ace got suspended sometimes, he's an ASS. I want to throw him off a cliff everytime he made a snarky or sly comeback. I'm just another one of his girls. But I'm not going to be another one of his toys. If anything....I'm going to be the guy's weakness.

Lyric sighs, massaging her forehead.

What am I doing? He's just a guy....I'm focusing on helping Leo. He needs this medicine.

Her mind goes back to the day Leo was in the hospital.

Lyric sat there, as Leo hugged her tightly. But she couldn't bring herself to hug him back. She couldn't.

It's funny....thinking that something is yours when it's really not.

The bus stops at school, she gets off, walking to the school.

The day will go faster than you will realize it Lyric.

She kept walking down the hall, Nadine was still suspended, Ace was somewhere....Adrian....LOL like he even knows she breathes.

She walks down the hall, she hears a yell from the girl's bathroom. She walks in to see Kai throwing her phone to the wall. Lyric cringes.

"Are....you okay?" Lyric asks. Kai glares at her.

"Bitch does it look like it?" Kai asks. Lyric fights the urge to slap her and kept her voice soft.

"I'm just trying to help, you don't need to catch an attitude with it." Lyric said, crossing her arms.

"You're not my friend, besides, my stupid ass friend found out about me fucking her boyfriend....and she posted us all over instagram..." Kai said.

"But I'll listen." Lyric said.

"Cut with the I'm so goody goody bullshit!" Kai says, she tries to slap Lyric, she catches her wrist before it reached her face.

"Don't fucking touch me." Lyric said.

"You're scared."

"Like hell I am, if anything I'm about to punch your teeth in." Lyric warns.

"I get it, you're going through something, I am too." Lyric says, Kai shoves Lyric away, barely even moving her.

"I'll beat your ass!" Kai yells. "You're nothing but a grade A hoe!" She screams.

Lyric rolls her eyes, turning around. Kai barely shoved her.

She walks down the hall, she walks to her locker, opening it and grabbing her books. Then she stops, footsteps behind her.

"Lyric Reid, the saint herself." A familiar voice calls out. She turns around to see Gia, her hands on her hips, a confident smile on her cherry red lips and wearing a tight t-shirt and a skirt with fishnet stockings underneath.

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