Ace's View

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Ace sat inside his car as lunch rolled by, he didn't eat, he stares at his report card. The tutors were either really rude and cocky. He kept staring ahead. He balls it up, then throws it in the trash.

He sees Lyric walking to a car, she looks over her shoulder.

He noticed the scratch marks on her neck. The bruise on her face. Keith didn't even show up....the question did he get to school? He dropped out two years ago. And what does he want with Lyric???

He looked down at his envelope, the money his father Alexander sent him. They were runaways.....but Carson made a promise to Alexander that he would look into taking after Alexander's business in exchange of letting them stay in Michigan.

Alexander was famous, his wife Miracle had a daughter a year ago, her name was Felicity. Ace never met her. Keith was a thug, he killed Ace's enemy who drew a knife on him. It took everything  for Carson and Ace to find a place. So they lived in the streets. Sometimes Ace ate, and some days he slept behind a dumpster in a alley away from the drug dealers.

That's when Keith met Ace. Keith was two years older, he taught Ace the ways of living as a street thug. Ace shot a man who terrorized the Williams family for several years and was responsible for his mother's death.

After finding out that the threat to Alexander's business was dead, he sent money every month. Alexander had connections to gansters, he even got people killed.

Ace drove down the road, and into a big apartment, the music played loudly and some girls were high out of their mind, dancing on the rooftop half naked. The ones who just got high were less harmless.

He walks through the crowd, Keith was fondling some blonde, she giggled as Ace kicks the table.

"The fuck-" Keith demands, his lips curve into a smirk, he laughs.

"Snake eyes." Keith says.

"Don't call me that anymore." Ace growls.

"Where's that ugly broad you brought in?" Keith asks.

"I brought the money." Ace said holding the envelope.

"Oooh goody!" Keith says, pushing the girl off his lap and counting the dollars.

"But I'm afraid Lyric still owes." Keith says.

"Fuck that." Ace says. "She's not a part of this." Ace said.

"Sure she's not. Ace why even bother? That girl is so couldn't touch her ass by an accident." Keith says.

"So you expect a girl to be dumb as shit to let a random guy touch and grope her? You expect her to bend over and twerk for you? Keith you want those ratchet and ghetto women, of course Lyric wasn't your type." Ace said. Keith laughs.

"She's afraid of me Ace, I could see it, behind that glare, she was trembling." Keith says.

"Did you even get to kiss her yet?" He asks.

"She's not my girlfriend Keith, for the last time." Ace warns.

"You should get one, moping over Adessa doesn't help anyone-"

Ace punches Keith hard in the nose, the girls run as Ace tackled Keith, beating him up.


Lyric sighs, wiping her sweat from her forehead, she carries the drinks over to the old couple, they grin, waving at her. She smiles.

"Here's the lemonade, I'll be back with you for your food." Lyric said, she walks over to the bar, cleaning the spilled beer.

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