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Ace backs away from her like a disease, his eyes widen. Lyric stops, her heart thudding. Ruby smirks, putting a hand on her hip and smugly looking at Ace.

"You're lying." Ace said.

"I'm six weeks Ace, I took five pregnancy tests. All of them came positive, this baby is yours Ace. And I'm not raising it by myself." Ruby said.

"And a child needs a father so they can be the greatest people out there, unlike someone." Ruby said.

Lyric stays silent, a glare plastered on her face.

"Look, I'm willing to forget this incident once you admit to being a father." Ruby says.

"You're keeping it??" Ace asks.

"It's my child too. And if I get an abortion, I'm less likely to have kids in the future." Ruby adds.

"And it's not an it." Ruby corrects.

"We're in high school Ruby, how can we learn to raise a kid?!"

"You're going to have to take parenting classes and you're gonna have to avoid this hoe, you're going to be a part of this child's life and mine, so get used to it because this baby is gonna grow up happy."

"And if you don't, I'll take it up with your daddy. This is what happens when you don't keep that monster in your pants." She says walking away.

"You're disgusting." Lyric said quietly.

"For carrying his child?" Ruby asks.

Ruby kept slamming Lyric with the two words. His child. His child. His child.

"You're using your kid to get what you want. A child can grow up with or without the father. But you really are a bitch if you keep making Ace the bad guy, yes it takes two to make one but you're at fault for not being careful too. I understand your situation but you don't have to be nasty about it." Lyric says.

"Don't get smart." Ruby warns.

"I'm born smart, unlike you."

"Ace, put her in check, if I see you with Lyric again, I'll have no choice but to get rid of it." She says before leaving the room.

Lyric scoffs, turning around to see Ace standing there, his face frozen and his fists balled up.

Ace roars, Lyric stays calm but he throws wild blows to the wall, Lyric grabs him.

"Ace." Lyric says, she glares at him. Calm down was all over her glare, but it wasn't like her normal I-will-kick-your-ass glare, this was passionate. She digs her fingernails into his shoulder, he drops to his knees.

"Lyric? What am I gonna do? I can't raise a kid.....but I want to be there for it. I don't love Ruby."

Lyric hugs Ace, he groans.

"I don't want my kid growing up without a father."

"It won't. Ace, you piss me off to the point I wanna throw a silver axe at your head. But you're a good guy."

"How? I'm fucked up, I bang girls without question and forget them the next day, not even bothering to think of how they felt. I beat guys to the point that they can't move, I smoke, I hurt people Lyric." Ace says emotionlessly.

"Listen to me dammit, you could've let them do whatever they want to me but you didn't, you took my drunk ass to your place without caring about what people thought of you, you're helping me pay for my rent so me and my brother can stay, you defended me from Carson when he said I was ugly, and I can make a list of things you've done for others but the paper wouldn't be long enough." Lyric says.

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