This Doesn't Mean Anything

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Lyric opens the cabinet as Ace smokes a cigarette.

"I told you Lyric, no one really cooks around here. We eat out most of the time." Ace said, crossing his arms.

"It wouldn't kill you to look." Lyric says, opening the door to the pantry.

"But you have a crapload of snacks." Lyric says.

"I'm not hungry." Ace says.

"Bull." Lyric says.

"Not really." Ace says. "I could go a day without eating."

"But you wouldn't last without smoking huh?." Lyric says.

"That's what I thought." Lyric says, grabbing a bag of doritos.

"At least eat some doritos." Lyric offers.

"And have my breath smelling like hot ass like yours? I'd pass." Ace says.

"Fuck you." Lyric says.

"I wouldn't if my bloody life depended on it." Ace said.

"Which leads me to my very first question." Lyric says.

"Shoot me." Ace says.

"How come you sleep around? I mean, is it the typical I-got-my-heart-broke cliché?" Lyric asks.

"Yes and no. But like I said, I'm fucked up. I sleep around with girls who are cocky as hell and willing to give theirselves up for someone they barely even know. That's all I'm telling you." Ace said.

"It's something. I don't deserve to know who you really are." Lyric says, using his past words as a weapon.

"Well, why did you take me to your place when I got wasted?" Lyric asks.

"This again? You'd flip the fuck out if you wake up next to someone who didn't use a condom. Your life already sucks enough." Ace says.

"Do you even want kids?" Ace asks.

"Why are you asking??" Lyric asks, lifting a curious eyebrow.

"Your Mom's a prostitute, your dad is out of the picture. You tell me." Ace says. Lyric glares at him.

"Not really. Maybe just one but that's it." Lyric says.

"Most women would want a farmhouse of kids." Ace says.

"I just want one, and it will be a while until I have kids, I'm enjoying youth first."

"Having kids doesn't make you a old hag." Ace says.

"I know, look at Colette, she had Nate when she was still in college, she still acts like a teen now." Lyric says.

"My Mom had me when she graduated college, she was like a kid at heart, and very skinny." Ace said.

"She sounded like a good mother."

"Until life fucking ruined it." Ace says. "After a car accident she suffered from severe brain damage, Carson and I stayed with her while my Dad was shacking with some gold digging woman." Ace said.

"Then after they declared her brain died. She died completely." Ace said, Lyric studies him, he sounded so casual talking about it, but inside it killed him.

Lyric hugs Ace.

"Here I am complaining about my life when yours is as bad as mine." Lyric says.

"Let's not get super moody."

"For once I agree with you." Lyric says, sitting on the counter.

The door opens, Carson walks in with a girl draped on him like a curtain.

"Why the fuck is she here?" Carson asks.

"I can have girls over." Ace says.

"But she's just.....fugly." Carson says, Ace rolls his eyes.

"Go to my room Lyric." Ace says. Lyric walks upstairs, she walks into his room.

"Why are you so fucking rude?" Ace asks.

"The girls usually stay only once, Ace. You know her life could be in danger." Carson warns.

"Besides Ace, you've been cold after Adessa-"

"Don't MENTION her." Ace yells.

"Remember what little sweet Sonja did? She fucked us over, she gave away our city name. We can't trust her." Carson said.

"Fuck you." Ace said.

Lyric runs from the door, Ace opens it. His face expressionless.

"Sorry, my brother is a bigger asswhole than I am." Ace says.

"It's fine, he's right anyway." Lyric said, Ace glares at her.

"Shut up." Ace said tonelessly.

"Make me." Lyric dares, Ace towers over her.

"Ace I swear to God..." Lyric threatens, Ace tickles her.

"No!" Lyric yells before giggling.

"Take it back." Ace said, Lyric hits him.

"I take it back! Stop tickling me." Lyric yells, Ace smirks.

"I hate you!!!" Lyric says, still laughing.

I made Lyric her normal self. Feisty, silly, all the way crazy and I got to hear that annoying laugh of hers.

"Ace! Someone's here to see you!" Carson yells.

"Send them in!" Ace yells back, Lyric sits on his bed.

The door opens, a girl who looked as if she was a Victoria's secret model walks in with confidence. Her wavy blonde hair down to her back with a streak of blue down to the side. She had sun kissed skin with a hourglass figure, she wore a green dress to match her eyes.

"You're cheating on me with this ugly slut?!!" The girl screams.

"Bliss, I was never yours." Ace said, Lyric glares at him.

"Ace." She growls. "Maybe it's a misunderstanding." Lyric adds.

"Bitch stay out of this, you're nothing but a hoe." She says, gritting her teeth.

"It takes one to know one." Lyric said boldly, the girl lunges towards her but Ace stops her.

"If you're gonna hit anyone, hit me." Ace said.

"No! Let me at her!" The girl screams.

"Ruby, you're acting crazy." Ace said.

"Calm down." Lyric says. "I wasn't doing anything with him." Lyric said.

"Oh right." Ruby said matter-of-factly.

"He wouldn't want you. He doesn't. I'm pretty sure you got daddy issues too bitch." Ruby spat.

Lyric goes silent, she lunges towards Ruby, eyes full of rage but Ace stops her, Ruby grins, trying to get through Ace but he moves his arm backwards, accidentally elbowing Lyric. Lyric punches Ruby hard, the girl avoids the urge to cry then she threw herself at Lyric again but Ace stops her once more.

"Why are you defending her Ace? It's your job to protect us." Ruby said.

"Us?" Ace asks.

"That's right Ace, I'm carrying your child inside me." Ruby said Lyric pauses, staring at Ace in disbelief.

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