Ace's Family

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Lyric watches as Miracle took a small sip of wine while closing the door.

"Would you like something to drink?" She asks.

"Yes please." Lyric said politely.

She grins. "You're really polite." Miracle says.

"Would you like some soda?" Miracle asks, offering her a pepsi.

Lyric nods, taking the pepsi.

"I just wanted to talk to you. So you can loosen up." Miracle giggles.

"I never judge." Miracle adds.

"So Lyric...what do you do for fun?" She asks.

"I write books, draw and I play games."

"That's amazing." Miracle says. "We couldn't play video games thanks to Alexander and his beliefs."

Lyric nods.

"What about you?" She asks. Miracle looks a bit surprised as if nobody had ever asked her that before.

"Well...I'm a model, I would listen to classical music when I'm alone." Miracle says.

"I have to say look like a amazing person for Ace." Miracle says.

"I'm all about what makes my stepson happy. He's been through a lot."

"I understand that."

"You do?"

"You're just worried about him and what makes him happy."

"'s so great to see him back. I've told little Elise about Ace."

"Has he ever brought any girls over?"

"Only one." Miracle sighs.

"Adessa?" Lyric asks.

"She wasn't a fan of me honestly...said that I was too formal and overbearing."

"Am I?" Miracle asks, laughing nervously. "Because I can stop."

"No!" Lyric says. "You're pretty nice!"

"Why thank you." Miracle says, relieved.

"Alexander had always been hard on him." Miracle said. "So the boys needed a softer parent."

"How has he been doing?" She asks.

"He's Ace. But he's opened up to me a lot more." Lyric said.

"You're a lovable person." Miracle says.

"He's been pretty happy lately." Lyric said.

"But you should ask him yourself." Lyric says with a gentle smile.

"You're right." Miracle says. "But Ace seems close to you, promise me that you'll look after him."

"Always." Lyric says. "Because he's looked out for me."

"He never got to be consoled when his mother died. Carson tried but he was just a child too. I'm glad that you're there for him." Miracle says.

The door knocks, Miracle yells for them to come in, several chefs walked in with steamy plates.

Lyric never in her life had gourmet foods, the most fanciest thing she would eat is spaghetti with Prego sauce.

"I hope you're not allergic to seafood."

"My aunt had bought me seafood before, I'm not allergic."

"Sweet!" Miracle chirps.

She stands up, walking out to the living room.

"Kids! Supper!" Miracle shouts.

Lyric walks over to the stack of plates, she begun to set the table, the chefs grab her hands. Startled, she jumps a bit.

"No miss, you don't have to set up the plates!"

Miracle turns around. "You're a guest here."

"I'm sorry." Lyric says. "I'm so used to doing this."

Miracle shook her hand. "I was just a street girl at one point, I get what you mean." She says.

Lyric backs up. She was so used to doing everything by herself. Lyric was independent, headstrong, hotheaded but passionate about the things she loves.

She bumps into a chest, she looks up to see Ace looking down at her.

"You okay?" Ace asks.

"I'm fine." Lyric says, she kisses him on the cheek.

Lyric sits down as Ace sat next to her.

All the kids sit down along with several adults. Miracle sits at the end of the table.

"Let's all say our prayers." She says.

They all held their hands, making a meaningful prayer, then they begun eating.

Lyric looks at her plate, her stomach churning.

Okay I'll eat you little ankle biter.

She had large crab legs and huge unveiled grilled shrimp.

She couldn't eat high mecury foods since she's pregnant. But since crab and shrimp were low mercury foods it was okay to eat.

She uses the crab with her hands, breaking it open, Ace smirks.

"Shut up." She whispers. He trails his arm down squeezing her knee.

She wipes her hand on the napkin, snaking her hand to Ace's arm, giving it a good hard pinch.

She continues to eat the crab, it was like heaven in her mouth. Soon she finishes the plate.

The next course had big cakes and champagne.

"I'll drink water." Lyric says quickly.

Ace looks at her.

"Are you alright?" He whispers.

"Yeah." Lyric nods. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me."

Elise looks at her.

"I want long hair like hers mommy!"

Lyric giggles. Children were her weakness.

Miracle grins. "You already have long hair sweetie."

Ace's cousin who called him a Rottweiler looks at her.

"Is he mean?" She asks Lyric.

"Not to me." Lyric chirps.

Ace snuck his hand down Lyric's thigh. He slowly moves it to her inner thigh.

Lyric knits her eyebrows a bit. He was messing with her on purpose and that was pissing her off. He kept a straight face.

"When Ace was ten...he threw firecrackers at the walls to scare us." The girl said to Lyric.

"That's mean." Lyric says, sneaking a death glare at Ace.

He pinches her inner thigh a bit. Lyric  avoids the urge to bite her lip. He rubs his thumb up and down. Lyric grabs his hand quickly, squeezing it as hard as she could.

Ace broke free, rubbing her thigh again, this time way more harder. Lyric reaches over, pinching him in the arm.

Ace gasps a bit as he took a sip of his water.

Lyric continues talking with Ace's little cousins. Ace pinches her thigh and slaps it. She held in a yelp but continued to smile while talking to the rest of his cousins.

She leans over to Ace.

"What was that for?" She hissed at him.

"Revenge." He hissed back. She crosses her legs.

A heavy clatter of footsteps echo. Miracle froze. Elise quickly tucked in curly strands of her hair. Ace's cousins adjust themselves in seats. Miracle pours the wine out in the sink.

Ace glares. Lyric raises an eyebrow, dropping her fork.

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