Sober Isn't A Option

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Days went by, Lyric had been working nonstop, Leo had stayed at Nathan's house, where his cousins wanted to play video games with.

Lyric grabs her dress, she looks at the mirror which was slightly cracked. It was a red skater dress with lace sleeves and at the front part of her outfit.

"Maybe I'm overdoing this." Lyric says, looking at her behind. Her Mom hadn't been here in two days, and Nathan's mom offered to keep an eye on Leo, Lyric looks at her solid red heels.

Her hair was plaid straight, she grins.

"No, this is your night, I didn't spend nights of overtime for nothing." Lyric says.

"Are you ready?" She hears Nathan shout.

"Yeah!" Lyric says, stumbling in her heels. She puts on her motorcycle helmet then she sits on the back of Nathan's motorcycle, she hung on tight as Nathan drove off.

She grins as her hair blown in the wind.

"You know your friend Nadine?" Nathan asks.

"Yeah, what about her?" Lyric asks.

"Is it okay that I ask her out?" Nathan asks, Lyric walks up to him.

"The breakup better be neutral, or else." Lyric says grimly.

"You know me Lyric, I'm loyal, honest and the best when it comes to kissing." Nathan says.

"Oh?" A confident voice asks, Lyric turns around to see Nadine wearing a bodycon dress, her hair in regular curls but in a ponytail, and her red lips lifted into a smirk.

"Woah." Lyric says.

"Lyric....your inner gay is showing." Nadine teases as she puts her hands on her hips.

"You wish." Lyric says.

"You know I'm kidding." Nadine says with a giggle.

"You look beautiful Nadie." Lyric says warmly.

Nadine blushes.

"You do too." Nadine says.

"Are you going to say I'm beautiful or what?" Nadine asks.

"No word can describe how georgous you are." Nathan says.

"I'll leave you two alone." Lyric says, walking towards the party, people were dancing, grinding doing all sorts, Adrian was there too....kissing on another girl.

He's not mine....I shouldn't be upset.

"Lyric you made it!!!!!" Claire practically sung. Lyric beams.

Claire wore a peachy dress, to match the mood with the entire house.

I don't even know how to dance.

"Are you gonna dance or what?" Claire asks.

"My dancing skills are wack...thanks though." Lyric says.

"Who cares? Just do your thing." Claire says.

"Where's the drinks?" Lyric asks. Claire points at the kitchen.

"We have beer, soda and just water." Claire says as she dances with the crowd, her voice drowns out as the music played. Lyric watches as people were having a shot contest.

Adrian was cuddling the girl. Lyric turns to the cooler, she opens a can of beer, it tasted weird, Lyric hunched over, coughing.

"First time? Keep drinking you'll get it." She hears a guy say. She keeps drinking until her vision grew blurry. She struts over to the crowd, she dances wildly, her memories vanishing into oblivion.

A guy walks up behind her, he had tan skin, curly hair and he wore a red jacket with regular jeans, he grabs her hips as she danced.

Ace walks into the party, some girl clings to him.

"Come on Ace, Claire wouldn't mind." She mumbles.

"I'm as good as that girl."

"Get the fuck off me." Ace hissed, he smirks.

"You're pathetic. You're really pathetic." Ace says, she slaps him.

"Asswhole." She mutters.

"Thanks! I try!" Ace says, then he rolls his eyes.

Fucking Carson....he took my money....after my bloody friend ratted me out to him about what I was gonna do.

"Go Lyric!!!" Someone shouts. Lyric was making out with some guy, the white was Keith.

Ace clenches his fists but he walks into the kitchen. He turns around to see Lyric dancing wildly on the table, her hair all over the place.

She's drunk.

A girl twerks against him, he shoves her away. A guy grabs her hips, he grinding against her. Lyric would've definitely brushed him off....with a punch in the face.

"Get your ass down here Lyric!" Ace shouts.

"Shut up! I do whatevah I wawnt!" Lyric shouts.

"Get off of her!" Ace shouts at the guy. The guy immediately hops off the table.

"Want to fight?" The guy asks.

"Let's go!" Ace yells, clocking his jaw, people begun to go nuts as Ace finishes the boy off with another blow to the face knocking him off.

"Dommit Ace!!!!!" Lyric yells. Ace gets on the table.

"Lyric you're drunk, come on." Ace says.

"No! I wawnt to keep dancin!" Lyric says. Ace throws her over his shoulder, she kicks and pounds into his back as he carried her out the door and to his car.

"Ace..." Lyric says, she gets down, kissing him on his cheek.

"Lyric, I would gladly take you on this offer when you're sober." Ace says, Lyric falls to the ground face first, Ace picks her up.

"Lyric! Lyric wake up!" Ace says. He sighs, putting her in the backseat, she wraps her legs around his neck, squeezing his hardly.

"Shit Lyric, let me go!" Ace almost shouts, Lyric glares at him.

"You ignored me you asswhole!" Lyric shouts.

"That was part of the deal, we're strangers and that's all we'll ever be." Ace says.

"Why?" Lyric asks. "Is it me?" She asks.

"No. It's me, you don't want a guy like me, whoever falls for me is a idiot." Ace says, Lyric loosens her death grip on her legs then she   closes her eyes.

"Your Mom is gonna kill you." Ace mumbles.

"She doesn't care about me." Lyric says. Ace furrows his eyebrows.

"She drinks and smokes dope...she hates me." Lyric adds. Ace sighs.

"We're finishing this conversation in the morning." Ace says.

Lyric nods. Ace drives down the road, he smirks.

"You're gonna have one hell of a hangover tomorrow." Ace chuckles.

He looks back once more.

"Hang in there Lyric." He says quietly before looking back at the road.

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