Pizza And Tension Don't Mix

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Lyric grabs the money Ace let her borrow, she opens the door to see the pizza man grinning back at her.

"Thank you, here." Lyric says sweetly, passing the money to him.

"Haven't I seen you before?" Lyric asks.

"You're in math class!" The boy exclaims.

"May I ask.....for a girl like you...what are you doing at Ace's house?" He asks.

"He's my friend."

"Suuuure." The pizza boy says before walking back to his car. Lyric closes the door with her hip, then she carries the pizza back upstairs, Ace was wearing baller shorts and a plain white tank top.

"What are you watching?" Lyric asks.

"Stranger Things." Ace said with a shrug.

Lyric sits beside him, legs criss crossed and she opens the box, eating the pizza right out, Ace smirks as she kept eating.

"You're a messy eater."

"I know....don't look at me if you're grossed out." Lyric says.

"Nah, this is pretty funny." Ace says.

I like how the cheese was emerging from her mouth and how hard she was trying not to smack, Lyric without knowing smacks. I have to record this.

Lyric sees the phone.

"Ace, if you're planning on staying alive, you best not record me." Lyric says.

"I won't send too many people." Ace says.

Lyric drops her pizza, tackling Ace, he grins. He loved how playful she could be besides her glaring at him and showing a tough side. Despite her timidness and her lack of manners when it comes to eating.

"Lyric, I'd stand up or Ace j.r. will." Ace says, Lyric backs away.

"He wouldn't hurt anyone. Besides he's too small." Lyric jokes.

"Would you like to see for yourself? I'd show you right now."

"No!" Lyric says, looking at the window.

"....Nathan would have it out for me....besides you're practically named the Child Of God at school." Ace says.

Lyric yawns, Ace grins.

"Tired?" Ace asks.

"Yeah, can I take the bed?" Lyric asks.

"Go ahead." Ace says, Lyric stands up, walking into the bathroom.

Last time she was here she only had to throw up, but the marble floor glistened under her feet, she looks at the bathtub, it shined back at her. She opens the closet to see a motherload of shower gel.

"Like the bathroom?" Ace asks from behind her.

"Oh...I don't want to look like a gold digger..." Lyric says, Ace rolls his eyes.

"You're not. A gold digger would pressure me to buy her a Lamborghini and not even thank me or be grateful." Ace says.

"Can I take a shower?" Lyric asks.

"What kind of question is that? Hell, if I were you, I'd take a bath."

"No funny business." Lyric warns.

"I don't need to sneak up behind you for that." Ace says with a wink.

"Sure." Lyric says, she pushes him out, Ace acts like he's falling on top of her.

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