A Date With Ace

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Lyric drinks her ice tea, caressing her stomach. Naomi starts dancing.

"You're happy." Lyric chirps.

Naomi turns around. "It's the first day of winter!"

Lyric laughs.

Naomi walks up to her, grabbing a mug and filling it with coffee.

"Have...you decided?" Naomi asks.

"I'm keeping the baby...I want to prove to my mom that I can actually raise my child." Lyric says.

Naomi nods. "Lyric, I'm always proud of you."

"Why is that??" Lyric asks quietly.

"You're still in school, you haven't done any drugs and you're still a kind and polite young woman." Naomi praises.

"I'll never be disappointed in you." Naomi says, pulling Lyric into a gentle hug.

"Word of advice?" Naomi suggests.

Lyric nods.

"Stay close to Ace." Naomi instructs. "I can see that he truly cares about you."

"What do you think I've been doing?"

Naomi laughs. "You have your mother's sass."

"Diane?" Lyric asks, Naomi grins sadly.

"Despite her being a pain in my neck, she would curl into a ball right next to me and tell me about her problems."

"I knew she had good in her."

Naomi leans against her fridge. "I have another photoshoot...this time I'll try and get you to take some pictures with me." Naomi winks.

Lyric felt the fear clawing from deep inside her.

If she took the photos....that would put Naomi and her in more danger.

Especially when the Red Cobras are after her already.

"I don't know if I'm fit to be a model..." Lyric says, Naomi shakes her head, grabbing her hands.

"Lyric, you're so beautiful. You have all these girls hating because they're jealous."

"Look at those pretty brown eyes!" Naomi exclaims.

"You should have more confidence in yourself."

"I know." Lyric mutters, that wasn't why she was a bit doubtful...as Ace said before, several people were threatened by the Red Cobras.

Lyric looks at her phone, Ace was texting her.

Ace: Lyric are you free?

Lyric: Yeah, why?

Ace: I want to take you somewhere.

Lyric: Ace I'm broke.

Ace: So? I'm paying anyway, nuff said.

Lyric: Fine :)

Lyric looks up at Naomi who was smirking.

"He's just a friend..." Lyric says with a smile as she walks to the couch. Naomi rolls her eyes.

"Whatever you say Lyric Williams."

Lyric pauses, she turns around. "What was that?"

"Nothing..." Naomi says, her smile growing.

Lyric shakes her head, walking into her room, opening her dresser to find dark jeans with a long sleeved black sweater.

She takes a quick shower then she dresses into her clothes she picked out, she strolls back out to see Naomi wearing a short white dress with her hair pinned back.

"You look pretty." Lyric says, Naomi grins.

"Thank you love, so are you."

Lyric laughs, looking at her boring clothes.

"I'll be back at eight, I'll see you later." Naomi says, she hugs Lyric then hurries out of the house. Lyric sits cross legged on the couch and turns on The Walking Dead.

A few moments later the doorbell rings, Lyric puts on her shoes and walks up to the door to see Ace with his hands in his pockets.

"Hey lazy." Ace says. Lyric rolls her eyes.

"Hey crazy." Lyric says with a smirk.

"Are you ready?" Ace asks, Lyric locks the padlock and she closes the door.

They both walk down the driveway towards his car. He reaches down to her hand, locking his with hers.

Lyric stops. "What's wrong Ace?" She asks.

Ace sweats a bit. "Nothing..."

"You're squeezing my hand...somethings up." Lyric says.

"You're observant." Ace says, walking to the driver's side.

"Consider this...a place I never took anyone."

Lyric raises her eyebrows a bit. If it made him this scared and a bit shy...he wasn't kidding.

"Should I be scared?" Lyric asks.

"You wanted to know who Adessa Olson is right? This is your chance Lyric."

Lyric stares at him with wide eyes in disbelief as Ace stared straight back at her.

"Are you....okay with this??" Lyric asks.

"Lyric...you've opened up to me about your past more than anyone has, you deserve to know the truth." Ace said, his tone going different.

"O-okay." Lyric says before breathing.

Ace sits inside the driver's seat, Lyric sits in the passenger's, she didn't smell his cologne, and Ace just started driving around.

"I owe you an apology." Ace admits.

"For what?" Lyric asks, confused.

"Dragging you into my shit." Ace mumbles.

"Ace you didn't tell those guys to come jump me did you?" She asks.


"You didn't tell Keith who I was did you?"

"Hell no." He says.

"All you've been doing is keeping my safe Ace and I appreciate that. A lot."

Ace stays quiet, Lyric takes a deep breath.

"But Ace, keep in mind I'm not crippled, I can still move, and I can still make a punch." She says.

"Still Lyric." Ace says, looking at her for a split second.

"I was stern on us being strangers so I'd prove to them that you and me were a one night stand...so they wouldn't find any use to hurting you."

"I know." Lyric says.

"You do?"

"Ace I'm not stupid...you didn't want to leave me alone...especially after Leo..."

"Let's change the subject." Lyric chirps, running her fingers through his hair.

"Are you sick?" Ace asks.

"No, what makes you say that?"

"Lyric, yesterday you said that you've been puking up a storm..."

"Is there something I should know?"

"Everything is fine." Lyric lies, she hated lying to him...but she'd tell him later because he sounded pretty down.

"Let's focus on you." Lyric says.

"But you owe me nothing okay?" Lyric says.

Ace groans. "Fine, you win." Ace said, his lips lifting into a small smile.

Lyric's heart warmed after she saw that. She finger combs through her hair.

Ace drove down a faded pathway full of trees. Lyric looks around. Ace pulls over next to a old cabin and they both exit the car.

"This place is beautiful." She says, Ace grins, then he walks towards her.

"Okay...it's time for the truth." Ace said, a bit of fear in his tone.

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