Trying To Fix It

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Lyric sat down with Ember, who was calling her boyfriend. Lyric stands up and walks over to the coffee maker, filling it with her mug.

"You should get some sleep." Ember says.

"I will soon." Lyric says, she rushes back to the computer, scrolling through Omar's police records.

"Ace is right....we'll have to get him caught in the act."

"Keith is already trying to kill you." Ember says.

"Then we can use that." Lyric says, barely looking at her. She sips her coffee, tapping her fingers against the coffee table.

"You're a smartass." Ember snorts.

"I'll take that as a compliment." Lyric said groggily.

"Seriously, you need to sleep." Ember says.

Lyric had grown a bit skinnier, her eyes had dark bags under them and her lips were chapped, she didn't bother to put some vasceline on them.

"Well...good news, Omar has somewhere to go to handle another exchange from another gang." Ember says.

"But I still have to stay."

"I don't mind." Lyric says. Ember couldn't stop her grin from spreading.

"You're so damn sweet."

"I know." Lyric says.

"But anyway, I'm goin' to sleep, don't stay up too long." Ember says, stretching. She lays out a comforter with a pillow then she laid down, going to sleep.

Lyric glares at the shining screen.

Omar Trayvell Reid.

Age: 37

Date of birth: August 13, 1985

Race: African American

Charges: Second degree murder of Liam Derealavoux, child endangerment, child abuse, etc.

"Liam Derealavoux?" Lyric mumbles.

She kept scrolling through her father's charges.

Then she clicks on Keith's profile, the whole page was blank.

"Dammit." She growls.

It was worst enough that Lyric was still suffering inside from the car accident, but she was already stressed.

Ember had stated before that she wanted to take Omar down because he framed her mother and caused her to go to jail.

Where's my mother?

Lyric had remembered Naomi planning to sign Diane up for rehab.

But Lyric couldn't access the money.

So she'll have to make it herself...if she's willing to forgive her mother.

Her mind went back to the first time she hurt Leo.

Lyric had been sleeping, they've ran out of things to drink and Diane had drunk the last two bottles of water the other day.

Then she heard violent screaming.

Lyric flickers her eyes open, Leo wasn't in his bed.

Lyric immediately runs out to see her mother, holding a heated flat ironer. Leo was against the wall, he had several slashes on his arm.

"You little fucker!" Her mother yelled at him.

Leo kept silent, he had no tears but he was sweaty, blood was running down his head, his shirt was practically ripped and there was a dent in the wall.

Diane raised the flat iron up towards Leo. Lyric's eyes widen.

There was still steam coming out, even though it was unconnected.

Lyric punches her mother in the back, Leo looks at her with wide eyes. Diane stumbles a bit. Lyric only did it to stop her mother from burning Leo.

"You BITCH!" Diane screeches at Lyric.

Lyric braces herself for whatever pain she was about to feel.

Diane smacks her in the face with the heated ironer. Lyric's face stung and burned, she falls to the floor, landing on her shoulder.

Diane climbs on top of Lyric, grabbing her hair, she sat on Lyric's stomach and her eyes were blazing red.

Diane claws at Lyric's face. Leo tries to get his mother off of his sister but she elbows him in the stomach.

"You gone swing at yo mama?!" Diane screeches.

"I SWEAR TO GOD LYRIC I WILL KILL YOU." Diane burns Lyrics arm.

Lyric screams out as her skin got cooked by the flat iron. Diane banged Lyric's head against the floor with her other hand.

Lyric scratches her mother's hand that was pressing the flat iron onto her face, her cheek burning and pain shot all over her face.

"You ain't shit Lyric!" Diane screams.

Leo tries to get her off once more. When Diane turns her head, trying to get up, Lyric's eyes flash, she pulls her mom back over, pain burning alone her first.

Diane wraps the cord around the flat iron which was still heated. She starts beating Lyric with it.

Lyric screams as she nearly got nearly burned by her legs as Diane kept continuously beating her with the flat iron.

Lyric sighs, looking at her arm that had a dark spot. She recieved first degree burns almost everywhere.

But she was more worried about Leo than anything.

"I should get some sleep." Lyric says.

She closes the laptop, rolling on her side and shutting her eyes, tears unintentionally falling down her cheeks.


Ace walks through the hallway in school, a girl had been following him. Ace glares over his shoulder.

"What do you want?" He asks, only to see Chantelle winking back at him.

"Baby don't be like that!" She purrs playfully.

She bounces her rack, hoping that he would see but he kept straight eye contact with her eyes.

"I know what you're doing." Ace says.

Chantelle pouts, her long dark braids were slung over her shoulder. She had hoop earrings and she wasn't wearing a bra....of course.

"What's up with you? You lower your standards or som'n?" She asks.

"I would be if I was still with you."

"Fuck you. I don't know what you see in Lyric."

"She's like the whitest black girl in this school."

Ace rolls his eyes. That was one of the things he loved about Lyric.

She wasn't meant for this generation.

She was better.

Ace's side kick Zayn walks up to him.

"You're dropping out?" Zayn asks.

Zayn was shorter than Ace, his hair was black and ruffled, his skin was pale and he had a tattoo of fangs on the back of his hand.

"That's between us." Ace said.

Chantelle storms off, sashaying like a new confident model at a Vogue magazine.

"But what's the point? We're going to graduate after our last exams."

"Look. I will find a job somewhere, I'm moving anyway."

Zayn frowns.

"I'll miss having you around man."

"You too." Ace says.

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