Nightmares Come True

36 1 19

Lyric tosses and turns in her sleep. Her hair strewn over her face.

Lyric was running down a street, several men chasing after her. A man snuck up from behind her.

She kicked and screamed.

"Let me go!" Lyric screamed.

"There is no way out of this...we're gonna make you suffer."

He raised the gun to her head, before pulling the trigger. The blood started running down her pants.

"Looks like you already are."

"That's sad couldn't even keep a child alive."

Lyric shot out of the bed screaming. She cries out frantically, her hands shook. There was more blood from between her legs...she cries out.

She hugs her stomach, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Hush." A man whispers. Lyric backs up against the wall. She looks up to see her father.


"It's Omar." He said.

"What are you doing here?"

"I heard my daughter get into a car accident."

"Call the nurses." Lyric said.

"No. I want to make something completely clear."

He grabs her wrist, nearly crushing it, she yelps as he grabs her face.

"I own you."

"You're weak." He spat.

"You are to stay away from Ace."

"Fuck you." Lyric growls.

He squeezes her jaw harder, his fingers pressing on her bruises, she yelps out in pain.

"You're lucky you're in this hospital bed."

"When you get discharged, Ember will pick you up. And if that boy comes around you again..."

"He will die."

"Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal." Lyric says bitterly.

"Now rest up, that's all what you're good for anyway." He said.

Lyric lays on her side...she presses the button on the side of the bed. The nurse hurries in.

"My..." Lyric's voice cracks.

Lyric saw it. The blood was everywhere but she saw it...and it broke her even more.

Her phone buzzes, she sees her red screen flash at her.


Lyric, without thinking answers it, she couldn't talk.

"Lyric? I can hear you breathing."

Lyric couldn't speak.

"Lyric...I'm not giving up on you, because you never gave up on me.."

Ace hangs up. Lyric broke down into tears. It hurt her more than the cramps did.

It wasn't that Lyric was angry, even though she is. She needed space, she needed some time to think.

Fuck the Red Cobras.

She wanted to fight her own battles.

Lyric sat up, she couldn't find the reason to go to sleep.

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