He Deserved Better

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Lyric opens her eyes to see that she's lying down by herself. She gets up, throwing on some skinny jeans and a jacket.

Lyric slides on some Nike slides, she didn't care how she looked today, she just wanted to see her brother.

Ace opens the door, Lyric stops.

"Morning." Ace chirps.

"Morning, are you ready?" Lyric asks.

"Sure, let me get my keys." Ace said, he grabs his shoes, putting them on, he walks downstairs, Lyric follows.

As they get inside the car, Ace looks at Lyric.

"Lyric....did your Mom come home?"

"Honestly...I don't know anymore, besides her getting drunk or high, she never really is there." Lyric blurted out, she covers her mouth.

Ace looks at her.

"Your mom gets high?" Ace asked.


"It's no big-"

"Lyric, it is a big deal. If she gets high on a daily basis...she gets violent." Ace said.

"How do you know this?!"

"Because I've seen it happen!" Ace snaps.

"Look. Lyric, I've seen it happen...." Ace says.

"Dammit. You're right." Lyric admits.

"I'm sorry." Ace said.

"That's probably why my aunt is here..." Lyric said.

"Let's change the subject." Ace said.

"What's your favorite movie?"

"Well, Carrie." Lyric said.

"The first one is the best one. 80's horror movies are much better than today's."

"But that's my opinion."

"You need to watch American Horror Story with me then." Ace said.

"With snacks." Lyric adds.


"Favorite candy?" Ace asks.

"Sour patch, you?" Lyric asks.

"Skittles." Ace said.

"What kind?" Lyric asks.

"Any kind to be honest, as long as they're not opened, I'll eat them." Ace said.

"We're here." Lyric said, he makes a close park to the door.

Lyric steps out, the wind blowing through her hair, she hurried inside to see a different nurse.

"I'm here to see Leonardo Reid." Lyric says.

"He just recovered from surgery, do you want to wait or-"

"I'll wait." Lyric said.

Ace follows Lyric as she trots upstairs and down the hall, she sits on the bench, Ace stood over her.

"You need to eat." Ace said.

"I'm fine."

"No you're-"

"I told you I'm fine!" Lyric snaps, she curls to the side.

"I'm sorry...." Lyric says, Ace pulls her closer to him.

"If not for you, do it for Leo." Ace said, Lyric groans.

"Okay...will you stay here?"


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