She Can't Keep Secrets

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Lyric had been working for hours, Nathan grabs her shoulder.

"Sit down Lyric, you're pushing yourself too hard." Nathan says. Lyric shrugs his hand off.

"I'm still not dead yet." Lyric says, Nathan sighs.

She walks over to another table, Nadine sat there, her hair put up in curls but she stares at her phone.

"Nadie." Lyric says, smiling.

"Hey Lyric, what's going on?" Nadine asks.

"Everything, I have to make sure I have enough money for groceries this weekend." Lyric says, chewing on the side of her lip.

Nathan walks by with dishes in his hands.

"Who is this?" Nathan asks, moving his bangs from his eyes.

"I'm Nadine, you must be Nathaniel." Nadine says with a smile.

Nathan grins, Lyric looks at him then she smacks him upside the head.

"Stop staring lover boy." Lyric says wryly.

"I can't introduce myself?" Nathan asks, rubbing his head.

"Who knew staring at someone with a douchey smile without speaking meant introducing." Lyric snorts, rolling her eyes. Nathan scoffs. A hand snakes around Lyric's waist she pales, wincing in pain.

Lyric raises her fist, throwing a punch but Ace blocks it, bending it back.

"Hey! Just me damn!" Ace says, holding his hands up, Lyric's face was etched with fear, she thought she would forget about those guys trying to jump her.

Ace's face changes he puts his hands in his blue jacket narrowing his eyes at her.

"Hey." Ace says, Lyric fakes a glare.

"Dammit Williams!" Lyric growls, Nathan laughs.

Ace grabs his cigarette, Lyric smacks it out of his hand with a glare.

"What the hell bighead?!" Ace snaps. Two children wave goodbye, Lyric smiles warmly, giving them a friendly wave.

"Smoke outside Williams, you know damn well I won't let you smoke in front of kids." Lyric snaps.

"Lyric does have a really soft spot for children." Nathan adds.

"She has a soft spot for everyone depending on how they treat her." Nadine explains.

"I think that's pretty shitty." Ace says.

"She's nice to people who don't do jack shit for her-" Lyric interrupts him.

"I'm nice before I go around kicking ass. So take a step back Williams." Lyric snaps.

"But you raise hell with me." Ace sighs.

"Hey, I got to go." Nadine says, quickly giving Nadine a hug then she walks out. Nathan nods.

"I have a movie to see, don't wanna miss it." Nathan says, walking behind Nadine.

Lyric turns to Ace.

"This place is closing soon, you should go home." Lyric says before grabbing her bag, she steps outside, the cool air embracing her face, she hugs her body, then wince as she runs her fingers along her stomach.

"Spill it." Ace growls. Lyric tilts her head, her long hair blocking her face.

"Spill what?" Lyric asks.

"I'm not fucking stupid Lyric, you're acting different." Ace says,

"Why do you care?" Lyric snaps.

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