Tickets To Fallout

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Lyric had changed into a t-shirt and slept in his bed, Ace sat down on the staircase, his head against the wall.

I love you Ace....even if you are the death of me.

Ace shook his head.

"She's gone Ace." He mutters to himself. Adessa was his old girlfriend, she had platinum blonde hair, almost white that was either in tiny box braids and she ombreyed it, she loved dying her hair after she met Ace, she had beautiful skin, green eyes and a nice figure.

"I swear to God Lyric....after this. We're strangers. Even if one day we end up in bed together." Ace says. Lyric stirrs in her sleep.

My mom doesn't care about me.

A drunk person's words are a sober man's thoughts, now the question is....are those thoughts true?

Of course Ace's Dad, Alexander wants him to take over his business but Ace wasn't down for that, that meant less freedom, he'd be forced to marry a cocky and over confident woman spoiled with good looks, it meant he'd have to give up everything.

Carson should've known better, Ace would never go for Lyric, she ate messily, snored LOUDLY, is feisty whenever Ace had touched her, she was she must've known Ace wasn't a one girl type of guy.

Ace walks downstairs and sits on the couch, taking a long drag of his cigarette and blowing it in the air.

Lyric wakes up, a sharp pain in her head makes her cringe.

"Damn...." Lyric's eyes widen, she wore a guy's shirt...

"Where am I?" She mutters, she looks around, she shivers as she steps out of the bed slowly, she cringes once more.

The box under the bed. The mirror at the corner, the big ass windows behind her....she stumbles out of bed.

"Please tell me I didn't-" Before she could finish her sentence bile rose up her throat, she runs down the hall, hunching over the toilet and puking, her throat burning as the alcohol left her body, she flushes the toilet. She stands up, her head getting worse.

Her hair was tousled, her eyes were bloodshot red.

"I drunk too much." Lyric mutters.

"I slept with someone...but who?" She mutters, she runs one hand through her hair.

"No..." Lyric says, her back hits against the wall, she sinks down to the floor, tears emerged from her eyes as she curled into a ball.

"No. I'm not gonna cry, I'm going to push this bastard into a moving car." Lyric says, she looks down at the sink, the words engraved on the toothbrush.


"What in the actual fuck..." Lyric mutters.

"He's dead." Lyric growls.

She walks downstairs, the pain in her head still throbbing. She walks into the kitchen.

"You're awake." Ace chirps, Lyric grabs the pan that was on the stove from the last time she tried to cook, then she points it at him.

"Answers." Lyric growls.

Ace walks closer to her, she raises the pan.

"Try it Williams, I'm not afraid to hit you where it hurts." Lyric threatens.

"Why am I in nothing but a t-shirt?" Lyric demands, Ace rolls his eyes.

"You changed into it while you were drunk." Ace says with a shrug.

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