NWSL Media Day

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With her sister and her sister's unofficial girlfriend in the NWSL final on Saturday, Kristie flew from Las Vegas to Orlando on Wednesday, with Steph joining her to document the festivities for Sporting Chic. After a night of fun and a day spent at Universal Studios, the pair showed up at Orlando City Stadium on Friday for Media Day at the NWSL Championship. Meg Linehan, who works for NWSL Media, is friends with Stephanie Yang, the Breakers' beat writer for SB Nation and one-half of 2 Drunk Fans, a women's soccer podcast. Kristie and Steph have known the other Steph for several years and asked if she knew how they could secure press passes for Media Day. Steph talked to Meg, in between karaoke numbers apparently, and the passes were procured.

When the pair showed up, they ran into Abby Erceg, the Courage captain, and told her that they wanted to pull something on Sam during the official presser for the coach and player leadership. Abby mentioned that their "sister" was somewhere around and it might work better talking to her about it, but that she'd help them with what she could from the podium. After a one-on-one with Jeff Kassouf of the Equalizer, Abby Dahlkemper saw Kristie and came sprinting over to her and Steph. Following some hugs and "I can't believe you're here" looks, the defender and the Sporting Chic press talked.

Abby: I knew the two of you were coming, but how did you get into Media Day?

Kristie: We had Steph Yang talk to Meg Linehan about getting us access so we could do some interviews for the Sporting Chic site with our fellow co-owner and members of the company squad.

Abby: I'm sure Sam will be surprised to see you two here. Are we still on for dinner tonight?

Steph: Yep. Kristie was thinking about asking your rival ship from the Thorns to join us.

Abby: That could be tons of fun, or it could be a disaster.

Steph: All the more reason to do it, right?

Abby: You're evil, Hood, you know that?

Steph: Yeah. but you love me just the same.

Abby: Only because you're Sarm's best friend and her sister's girlfriend.

Steph: Whatever works.

Kristie: Abby, the other Abby said we should talk to you about pulling something on our favorite Petunia during the presser.

Abby: Ooooooo! Sam usually embarrasses me. Now we have a chance to do it to her.....What do you need?

Kristie: Something about her that only you know but we should ask about.

Abby: She has this little spot on her neck that, if you touch it just the right way, will make her putty in your hands.

Steph: I'm not sure we can ask about THAT!

Abby: OK. She wants to take a trip this off-season to France, touring the stadiums that are on the list for the World Cup in two years. Sort of a motivational vacation, if you will. Also, the two of us talked about springing something after the game tomorrow. I'm not sure you'll be able to get her to confess to what she has in mind, but knowing you know something will definitely make her sweat.

Kristie: You can be vicious when you want to be, Abs. How did Sam and I end up with two devious women for girlfriends?

Steph: I wore you down, Kratch, simple as that.

Abby: And I used all our friends at UCLA to plant it in her mind that she wanted me. Katelyn was the best at persuading her, because she is SUCH a teddy bear and could sell ice to the Eskimos.

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