Two Tickets To Paradise

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Ali wrapped up her weekend of college scouting by having coffee with Becca Quinn and EJ Proctor at Bean Traders.

Ali: First, I'd like to congratulate you on the win yesterday. I'd also like to thank you for meeting with me away from campus.

Becca: You're a legend in the game, Ali, despite what your National Team coach is saying about you, or not saying as the case may be.

Ali: I can only control what I can control in that situation. I came to Durham in a dual capacity this weekend. First, I wanted to meet the two of you and give you some kudos on heading up your first-ever Pride Game this year. Secondly, as you might have seen, I was selected by the Philadelphia Hearts in the recent expansion draft and our coaching staff has me scouting games around the southeast when I'm not up at headquarters on club business.

EJ: You and Ash are going to be playing for different teams next year?

Ali: Yes, EJ. Fact is, the two of us are at a bit of a crossroads career-wise and life-wise, and my starting fresh with the Hearts is the best thing for me at the present time.

Becca: I've had a wonderful time playing alongside my partner here in Durham, but I know that, once our season ends, we'll have to prepare for being separated to start our professional careers.

Ali: I wouldn't be so sure about that. Our club won't shy away from having out couples on the team or working to bring them in together. In fact, we'll have two by the close of business tomorrow.

EJ: Anyone we'd recognize?

Ali: I can't tell you about the international one, but we took Kristie Mewis and Steph McCaffrey in the expansion draft last Friday.

EJ: They're actually together?! I thought it was all wishful thinking on the part of 12 and 13-year-olds.

Ali: They are. Been so for a few years, I believe.

Becca: I know a team could decide to select both of us, but would one actually do so?

Ali: Not would. Will. We will have a couple of extra picks in the January draft from some moves we've made with a couple of our expansion draft selections, and it's to give us the flexibility to go where we need to in order to make those choices. Our assistant coach, Carm Moscato, who you know, Becca, from the Canadian national team system, doesn't expect you to get out of the first round, so we're talking with teams near the bottom of the order about trading up to a spot where we can select you. EJ, the mock drafts aren't rating you that high and we might have as many as four picks in the fourth round, so rest assured that we'll be coming to get you if you stay on the board or will package some of those picks to move into the third round if we see a run on keepers.

Becca: You're saying that if everything goes right, we'll both be coming to Philly? Emma, what do you think of that?

EJ: I think I'm going to like OUR new home if it comes off. What can you tell us about the Hearts, and why are you so passionate about getting both of us?

Ali: Like I said, Carm has been talking up Becca since she got to Philly. As for you, our head coach loves your maturity and composure in goal from when her Penn State team played against you in the 2015 College Cup final.

Becca: Since you'd be selecting me high in the draft, would I be expected to come in and be an immediate starter?

Ali: I don't believe so. When everything is completed tomorrow, we'll have 14 players on the roster and a reasonable first XI to start the season with. I know you play center back for the National Team and midfield at Duke, so I think we'll try to work you in at both positions over the course of the season.

Becca: What formation will the Hearts play?

Ali: Our team will be playing a 4-1-3-2, with a box-to-box center mid in front of a d-mid. Your national team plays this way at times, albeit it a bit narrower than we would. Our center midfield combo would be similar to how Des and Diana operate.

Becca: With me in the destroyer role?

Ali chuckled. "Yes, like Des the Destroyer."

EJ: If you know, what is the thought process concerning me coming in?

Ali: If you're asking if you'd be thrown to the wolves right away, the answer is no. We picked up a national-team level goalkeeper in the expansion draft and will be getting a second netminder via one of tomorrow's trades. The plan, according to Erica and Kristin, our head coach and goalkeeper coach, is to use 2018 as a learning year for the two of you in preparation for the following two years when Steph is expected to be away at the World Cup and Olympics.

Becca: Our Steph?

Ali: Yes, Becca. "Your" Steph is also "our" Steph.

EJ: She was phenomenal on Thursday night against the US. Think she can repeat that performance tonight?

Ali: Actually, she's on her way to Philly as we speak. Coach Herdman decided he was going to play D'Angelo and Sheridan in the second game after they got the win on Thursday. I'm on my way up as well, as her, I, and Carm are going to watch the game together before getting down to business tomorrow in preparation for our players coming to town on Tuesday.

Ali looked at her watch and saw that it was close to noon. She thanked the Duke duo again for meeting with her and wished them well on their game Friday against Northwestern before driving to the airport for her flight to Philadelphia.

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