Two Hearts, One Love

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With the trial recessed until Thursday, the Hearts' players and staff were free to celebrate Valentine's Day without the headaches associated with their love lives being questioned and dissected.

Kristie and Diana scheduled to meet at LOVE Park with their fiancees to take stock of the layout without the snow and crowd of the PSA a few weeks ago. When the four of them arrived, they saw a couple in front of the statue, presumably in the middle of the lead-up to a proposal. They took seats at a picnic table about 100 feet away from them and watched as the pair stumbled a bit through what was transpiring.

Kristie (to Rhian): Did either I or Diana look that out-of-sorts when we popped the question a few weeks ago?

Rhian: Both of you were cool as cucumbers, probably because it had been a long time in coming and there wasn't really a fear of asking too soon. That couple looks like they are barely out of college, so I'm sure some of the giddiness of the relationship is still there, along with the worry of not knowing for sure if the other person will accept.

Steph M.: I was truly surprised when Kristie asked, because I always thought she would wait for me to spring it on her, being the romantic diva that she is.

Kristie: Love you too, Stephy!

While they continued to watch the proceedings, Ali snuck up behind Diana and rested her chin on the woman's head.

Diana: Who's making fun of my height NOW?!

Ali: Just me, D!

Kristie: Hi, Ali! Where's Steph?

Ali: She's somewhere around here, but hiding so that Morgan doesn't see her and get tipped off.

Diana took another look toward the statue and, with the women having switched positions, recognized her protege looking at who she presumed was Sammy Jo. She passed along the information to the rest of the table and Ali took a seat with them to watch as well.

Sammy Jo: Mo, I'm not particularly good at expressing what I'm feeling or thinking. Similar of all goalkeepers, right? When Lauren asked us during Convention if any of us were thinking about popping the question when we were in town for the trial, I didn't think I'd be standing here doing this, but seeing how the couples on this team have been supportive of each other during the trial and how their love is expressed, maybe not in words or in actions, but in the being together, it made me re-think that. I know we're both pretty young, but this for me feels right. I know that I don't want to commit myself to anyone else, and I hope you feel the same. Morgan Elizabeth Andrews, will you marry me?

Morgan: I have three things to say before I give you my answer. 1) You're crazy. 2) I love you with all my heart. 3) Can we do the wedding here this day next year?

Sammy Jo: Is that a yes?

Morgan: Only if you agree to my request.

Sammy Jo: I agree.

Morgan: Then, YES!

The pair kissed for a bit before Sammy Jo reaches in her pocket for the ring box. She opened it and showed her fiancee the gift she was being given.

 She opened it and showed her fiancee the gift she was being given

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Sammy Jo slipped the ring on Morgan's finger and they embraced. When they broke apart, they saw the other three couples walking toward them.

Morgan: Sammy, you set me up!

Sammy Jo: Seriously, the only person I told was Steph Labbe. The rest of them must have come out on their own.

Kristie: Congrats, you two!

Morgan accepted hugs from everyone, as did Sammy Jo.

Morgan: If you weren't in on this, why are you out here today?

Diana: Scouting. I'm thinking....with Carm and Emily getting married at the end of the year, and us probably wanting to do it before the World Cup next June, and qualifying in November, the only reasonable time to try to fit in a wedding is January or February. I was wondering if the two of us could possibly do it here next Valentine's Day, Rhi.

Rhian: You sure about that? The weather could be terrible. The park could be overrun with tourists. Someone else could be thinking the same thing and beat us to the punch.

Diana: Nothing that can't be overcome or planned around. So what do you say?

Rhian: I say that my overly romantic wife-to-be is going to get her wish.

Morgan: Would you be open to making it a double? I told Sammy Jo that I wouldn't give her an answer to her proposal unless she agreed to us getting married here next year on this day.

Rhian: I told you we'd be fighting for the spot.

Diana: I'm good with it if you're good with sharing your day with us.

Sammy Jo: Guess we're talking double wedding then, that is if Rhian is open to it.

Rhian: We'll need some help if this is going to work.

Ali: Say. No. More. I managed to get Hearts United done from creation to execution in what, four weeks maybe? We'd have a year to make this come together.

Kristie: Even if it's bigger than just the four of them?

Ali: Don't tell me you're thinking about doing it, too.

Steph M.: Maybe we can also con Sam and Abby to take the leap and join us.

[Steph L.:] One thing's for sure, Ali and I are NOT going to jump on this bandwagon.

Diana: Fair enough, Steph.

Sammy Jo: I have reservations for the two of us at Parc. Maybe we can meet up for drinks back at the hotel later this evening.

Ali: Why do that? Come over to our place and we can probably come up with something more fun for the handful of us. Some wine, maybe some sweets for all of you sweets, and perhaps send out the news on Skype to those you might want to tell.

Kristie: Sounds like fun.

Steph M.: I'm in.

Rhian: Diana, wanna go?

Diana: Valentine's night with Steph and Ali, plus my favorite valentine of all, can't think of anything better.

Ali gave Sammy Jo, Kristie, and Rhian directions to their place before the couples split up for the afternoon and early evening. Steph and Ali chose to re-create their first-ever pseudo date in Philly, with lunch at Reading Terminal Market and dessert at Franklin Fountain.

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