Packing Up The Pieces

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Although she wished to remain in bed with Steph, Ali knew that Carm and Emily would be coming by around 9:30 to help them with packing up some of her things in anticipation for Monday's trip north. She got up, made coffee, and then came back to stir her partner from her slumber.

Ali: Good morning, sleepyhead.

Steph: The force needs five more minutes.

Ali: Ok, but just five. Carm and Emily will be here soon.

Rather than waste another few minutes resting, Steph got up and followed Ali out to the kitchen. After grabbing a mug and pouring herself some of that caffeine-induced elixir, she placed it on the island and gave Ali a light peck.

Ali: I'll take that as a thank you for the coffee, and *peck* you're welcome.

After wolfing down a bowl of cereal and a banana, Steph went to take a shower and change into comfortable clothes for the task ahead of her and the rest of the crew. Ali decided to wait on showering since she knew she'd have to do it after the packing anyhow. Right on 9:30, the doorbell rang and Ali went to answer it. Carm and Emily entered and brought some donuts to share. Steph came out from Ali's room a couple of minutes later in a long-sleeve t-shirt and yoga pants.

Carm (to Steph): Doesn't look like it took you too long to replace Ash around here.

Ali and Steph: Stuff it!

Emily: Yeah, Carm. I doubt they would be doing any of that so soon after both of them left their previous partners.

Steph: Exactly, Z! Been wondering, why didn't Sinc and Erin come with you guys on this trip?

Emily: Cost, mainly. The seed capital CSA gave us for the franchise fee and first three months' expenses didn't include enough to cover more than three of us for the cross-continent trip.

Steph: That sucks. Any idea what they're up to this week?

Emily: Erin and Ella I think were just planning to hang around Vancouver. Christine and Melissa were going to use the time to finish moving stuff from Portland to Vancouver with Sinc's change in address.

Steph: I'm glad they'll be able to settle down together now being in the same city.

Emily: Me too. Ali, where should we start?

Ali: How about the two of you deal with the kitchen area. Remove everything from the cupboards and utensil drawers, then divvy out about half of it for me. We bought so much together in the past handful of years that there really isn't a "my dishes" and "her dishes". Make sure you leave enough here so that she doesn't have to replenish what I take.

Carm: We're on it!

Ali and Steph went back into the bedroom to begin packing things that wouldn't be needed over the next few days. Steph was a little slow in her packing as she took in a lot of information on Ali while assisting her with it.

Ali: You know, bae, you'll see all of this stuff again in a few months when we and Diana move into our place in Philly. No need to take complete inventory of it now.

Steph: I'm learning things about you that I don't know yet. I know I'll see it again soon, but I'm actually enjoying banking away some of the memories you've made and becoming more familiar with you.

Ali: That's sweet, Steph. I'm sure there will be a lot to learn concerning you once we're under the same roof in March.

Steph: Speaking of that, how is the team planning to handle the trial since it falls between the week of the convention and the start of preseason?

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