E-ther, I-ther, Ne-ther, Ni-ther

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Danielle: She called it off.

Jen: Really?!?! I knew that Emily and Sam talked about getting involved if nothing changed. So what's going to happen tomorrow?

Danielle: She will write Fabrice a letter for her parents to give to him after we're a fair distance away from Atlanta. We haven't decided yet where we're going. Most likely north or west of here. I think she's trusting Sonnett with figuring out a good hiding-out place for us.

Jen: If I fly down, will you still be there?

Danielle: Let me check.

Danielle asked Sam what time they were departing for their road trip tomorrow because Jen might want to join up with them.

Danielle: Sam says somewhere around 9am.

Jen: My flight gets in at 8:07. I'm already packed and can go straight to the airport from the complex after we hang up.

Danielle: You might be waiting a bit at Hartsfield, but one of our vehicles can swing by and get you on our way out of Fayetteville.

Jen: Give me the details, girl! What happened to get Moe to change her mind?

Danielle: More like what happened that caused her to change her own mind.

========{flashback to earlier in the evening}========

Following the rehearsal dinner, the wedding party and a few others went back to Kelley's parents' house, where they were staying for the weekend. After everyone changed into comfy clothes, Kelley broke out a couple bottles of wine and some glasses. Once the glasses were filled and all the women had some liquid courage in front of them, Emily started in with needling her best bud and first conquest. Danielle added a few more memories of her time with Morgan, both in Charlottesville and the few weeks at the end of this past season when they played together with the Red Stars. Lindsey and Sam dropped a couple of tidbits of their national team travels and Julie shared a couple of anecdotes from their first camp together, before they had graduated from Santa Clara and Virginia. Kelley was fairly quiet, taking in the information that the other women were dishing on their friend. After Moe's former Dash teammate, Cari Roccaro, told a story from one of the team's road trips, Sam brought up her conversation with Wendy at Hearts United.

Sam: With all the hate being dished out on Abby and myself, I'm looking to get us out of North Carolina for our own mental and physical safety. At last night's event in Philly, I talked with their GM about possibly joining their club. She told me that they didn't have the goods to get us from Paul, but she'd call around the league and see who might, with the Red Stars being the first place she thought of.

Moe: So you and Abby could end up being teammates with me, Danny, CP, and JJ?

Sam: Maybe not all of you, because the club would have to give some players of value to the Courage to bring us aboard.

Julie: I heard from Arnim this morning and he said that our new coach would be announced on Monday. He'd like to have a couple of players in Chicago for the unveiling and to get acquainted with the new boss.

Christen: Any idea who it is?

Julie: He didn't say, but claimed that we'd like the choice given his track record in WPS and NWSL.

The ladies went back to joshing the bride and teasing one another. Morgan sat back and began thinking about what was to come for her and Fabrice.

I look around this room and see so many memories, so many parts of my life in one place. 

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