Shuffling The Deck

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While closing arguments in the case of Philadelphia Hearts et al v. Orlandini took place at the Court of Common Pleas, business for the players and others moved over to the Field House, site of the club's celebration following the NWSL draft.

Julie: How long has it been since Jill was sacked?

Christen: Three months today, I believe.

Diana: Are we sure it's going to be Harvey?

Steph Labbe: It makes too much sense for it not to be. 1) The press conference is in Seattle. 2) Riley just took the Chicago job and Parsons has a great chance to go back-to-back with the Thorns, and he's still fairly young so the job will be back up at some point in the future. 3) IT'S HARVS!

Rhian: Laura and John battling for border supremacy....that could be fun.

Carm: Just remember which side of the border war you support.

Rhian: Of course! 

Ali: Why is Washington involved in this press conference?

Wendy: I'm guessing Lesle is part of the shuffling of chairs, which means someone will be replacing her at UDub.

Kristie: I hope everything is going alright over in court.

Steph Mac: The way Carm BOMBED Greg's claim about our two lovebirds faking it turned the whole thing around, I think.

Diana: Look at those two. They can't hide how much the other makes them happy.

Steph L.: Shut up, or do I have to bring you a booster seat so you can see over the edge of the table.

Diana stuck her tongue out at Steph, leading Rhian to say, "No sharing, D! That thing is all mine, you know."

Diana: Wanna come claim it?

Steph Mac: Get a room, you two!

Kristie: Don't give them any ideas.

Brian, Tyler, Aaron, and Lauren came to the table where the rest of the group was seated and pulled over a few more chairs.

Jen: How do you think closing went?

Brian: The rebuttals in the morning set things up to where they nearly conceded on Greg's overarching point of players playing games with their men and with the general public. Carm did a wonderful job of stating the reality of Steph and Ali's relationship and Steph Ochs laid out perfectly how a normal guy can win the heart of someone like her. We did the best we could laying out what happened to all of you and his actions in that regard, then deflecting his arguments about your characters and integrity. How the dollars shake out, I don't know. We asked for a significant amount of punitive damages and probably overstated how much pain and suffering was involved for Ali and McCaffrey. The big unknown is how the judge will deal with Julie's claim. Could be 0, could be the whole 12 mil, could be something in between.

Steph Mac: I have an idea for what I'd like to do if the judge awards me anything beyond the compensatory damages. On Saturday, when we played at Shissler and met the players from the area and the Monarchs, I saw up close what the potential is for girls who for a variety of reasons can't get seen or can't play at the highest possible levels, and I want to do something about it.

Wendy: I've been mulling around in my mind how we as the Hearts can have an impact on the city beyond our play on the field or standing up for love in all its forms. Once the trial is over, I'd like to sit down with you, Brian, and find out how we can form a 501(c)(3) foundation that will be able to receive donations and bequests and give money to worthwhile causes in the greater Philadelphia area. If you're interested, Steph, we can possibly bring your idea in under that umbrella as a separate fund for what you want to do concerning, I'm guessing, urban girls' soccer.

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