Putting Our Heads Together

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Friday happy hour at 13 Bar inside the Downtown Marriott was lively, as the businessmen and women were winding down from a rough week and looking ahead to the upcoming three-day weekend in Philadelphia. Lauren and Aaron had gotten a table, where they were joined by Jen, Danielle, Julie, and Christen.

Julie (to Lauren and Aaron): Did the two of you find anything that might be rebuttable from yesterday's testimony?

Aaron: Servando's claim about you being more recognizable and noteworthy upon entering the NWSL as opposed to him and the NFL could be brought up on cross if Brian hasn't already recalled Greg to the stand. Beyond that, I didn't see anything in the transcript that we'd be able to refute on fact.

Julie: I was there for this morning's session, but left to pick up Christen afterwards. Can you get this afternoon's transcript?

Aaron used his Biddle credentials to get into the Court of Common Pleas' document server, where the transcript from today's court session could be found. He downloaded the document and began reading through it.

Aaron: Hmmm......interesting. Fabrice Gautret claimed that he knew nothing of Morgan's sexual orientation and claimed she dropped him in order to keep him away from her potential overseas move and the income which would be derived from it.

Lauren: I think there's a problem with his logic there. They were only engaged, not married.

Aaron: He could sue for breach of contract if he could prove that the transfer was in place pending her getting an EU passport, which would have come by way of her marriage to Fabrice.

Danielle: I think we might be able to hit this one back at the defense, because what he claims was her reason is SO NOT TRUE!

Aaron: Oh?

Danielle: The night before she was to walk down the aisle, around 10 of us were sitting around with her at Kelley O'Hara's parents' place outside Atlanta. As the night went on, we exchanged stories about our times with Moe. She eventually came to her senses and decided not to marry him, not because she wanted to protect her money, but because she could no longer deny that she was using him as cover for the relationships she had had with myself and others.

Christen: Right. She and Kelley had a bit of a face-off after that where KO threatened to end their friendship if she chose to go through with marrying Fab.

Danielle: Did the defense introduce Moe's letter to Fabrice and have him lay out its contents?

Aaron: Let me see......there is a Defense Exhibit 1 listed at the conclusion of his direct testimony.

Aaron clicked on the link and was given a description of the evidence.

Aaron: Looks like it is the letter you mentioned. His synopsis of it indicated that she told him she was unable to marry him because she had not been honest with herself about what she wanted.

Danielle: That sounds like the letter she wrote before we left Georgia the morning of the wedding.

Aaron: Was anyone else here there during that time?

Julie: I was with Christen, so that would be three people in the room who could rebut Fabrice's claim. She told me that she knew Christen wanted to object to my marrying Zach, but was too afraid to do so.

Aaron: That might not pass heresay, unless there was another person in the room who heard this.

Christen: Again, us three were there along with about 6 others.

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