All In This Together

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Nickolette arrived at the Doubletree close to 1:30am and was ushered up to Erica's room. The head coach allowed her newest player to sleep in and thus miss breakfast. While the team was at WakeMed Park for training, Lauren and Nickolette re-arranged the quarters for several of the Hearts (Carm joining Erica, Jen joining Diana, and Nickolette joining Frannie), along with securing the proper room keys for the switches. When the players got back to the hotel, most of them went to their rooms to change before meeting for lunch and the rest of the day's activities. Frannie opened the door to her room and got a bit of a surprise.

Nickolette: Hello, stranger!

Frannie jumped back a bit, hitting her back against the door. When she had adjusted her eyes to who was sitting on what was Jen's bed, she screamed. "NIKKI!" The blonde ran over and hauled the shorter midfielder up by the hands before engulfing her in a tight embrace. "How did you get in here? When did you get to town? Shouldn't you be on your way to Portland or is this a stop-off on your cross-country trip out there?"

Nickolette: 1) Lauren let me in. 2) About 1:30 this morning. 3) Portland traded me to the Hearts yesterday afternoon. I drove up from Orlando so I could get into camp with you guys before Saturday's game.

Frannie: So you're planning for US now? Why didn't Erica tell us at breakfast that you were here?

Nickolette: I wanted to surprise you. I've missed you, even though we've only been apart about a year.

Frannie: I've missed you as well. The team is fairly well-bonded, but I hadn't hooked onto anyone yet. Guess the bosses thought I needed a friend on the roster.

Nickolette: Maybe. Erica was pretty excited that Carm and Wendy went to get me after the deal between the Thorns and the Pride.

Frannie: So are we roommates or did they place you with someone else?

Nickolette: We're roommates. Also heard that your place with Jen in Philly is in need of another occupant.

Frannie: Yeah, and when we re-worked the leases, Wendy said that we would get whoever came in to fill the last roster spot, so that would be you. Think you can handle living with me?

Nickolette: Of course I can! After all, you DID promise that we'd find a way to play together again. I just didn't expect it to come so soon.

Frannie: BFFs, now and always?

Nickolette: Aww yeah! The rest of this squad will have no clue what kind of trouble the two of us can stir up.

Frannie: We better get downstairs so we can get some food and Erica can introduce you to the rest of the team.

The two former Nittany Lions got up and left their room to join their teammates for lunch. When they arrived and had gotten plates for themselves made, they went to sit down with the Goalie Pad residents, Morgan Reid, and Savannah. Erica was trying to get everyone's attention, but to no avail, which caused Steph McCaffrey to break out her bullhorn of a voice to cut through the chatter.

Erica: Thanks, Steph. Promise me you won't do that during a game or I might have to pull you off the field for scaring our team into losing control of their bodily functions.

Steph M.: You got it, boss!

Erica: Now that I have your attention, I have a couple of announcements to make. First, for the group going to Wilson today, Becca and EJ will be leaving at 3:00. For the others, we will be departing for PNC Arena at 6:00. Next, Wendy, Bill, and Zach will be coming down tomorrow evening and joining us for the remainder of the road trip. Lastly, we have filled our open roster spot, completing the trade that we made with Portland last week which sent Lindsey and Emily to us. This player was part of my national championship team at Penn State and, well, Wendy and Carm felt sorry for Frannie not having any friends on the team, so they went and got her. Please stand, Nickolette Driesse.

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