A Night To Remember, A Night To Forget

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Following dinner at the Elephant and Castle with some of their current and former Canadian National Team sisters, Steph and Shelina went back to the hotel to share in some private time together. Christine, Karina, Emily, Sophie, and Desiree did a bit of bar-hopping. while Erin and Ella headed home to spend time with Max before turning in for the night.

Diana and Rhian strolled through downtown, exchanging glances with one another but saying very little. Rhian noticed a bench on the sidewalk and asked Diana to sit down with her on it.

Rhian: I'm going to miss you, doll.

Diana: Rhi, I'm always just a phone call or a Skype hit away.

Rhian: It's not the same, though, and I can't let you head to Philly without finally saying this.

Rhian paused briefly while she thought of the words to describe her feelings.

Diana: Earth to Rhian.

Rhian: Sorry. I'm having trouble figuring out how I want to phrase this.

Diana: We've known each other since we were teenagers. Have seen each other at our worst and at our best. I know sometimes your mind can play tricks on your tongue and you hesitate saying what you're thinking because you feel as though you only have one chance to get it right, otherwise there will be a big misunderstanding and you'll end up hurt as a result of it. Tell me what's on your mind, Rhian.

Rhian reached over and took Diana's hand, mainly for support but also as a sign of affection.

Rhian: Diana, I have a confession to make. I have been crushing on you for longer than I can remember. I've never acted upon it because you've been hung up chasing Sinc and I didn't want to risk losing you if I stepped up. With you going back east after things out here didn't pan out the way you wanted, I felt I needed to make my feelings known to you lest you end up finding someone in Philly.

Diana: I love you, Rhian. There is no denying that in my mind. We have a great relationship already, even if you are more the straight woman to my comedic genius. You know my heart in some ways better than I do. I was a bit foolish to continue to go after Sinc when you've been there in front of me all along. I can throw out all the flowery words in the world, but it ultimately comes down to this. I want you in my life in the deepest way possible, and I would be honored if you'd consider having me as your girlfriend.

Rhian sighed, then lifted Diana's hand to her lips and kissed it. Rhian then laid her head on Diana's chest, smiling contentedly. After a couple of minutes connecting in that way, the two stood up and embraced one another for several minutes. When they broke, Diana took Rhian's hands in hers and the two smiled at one another, practically beaming. Realizing that the height difference, made more so by this evening's outfit choices, would make it virtually impossible for them to actually kiss one another standing up, the two turned toward the team hotel and walked back, with their fingers intertwined, a display of affection 15 years in the making.


Ashlyn and Alex were walking back to the team hotel after dinner at the Cactus Club Cafe. Alex was draped on Ashlyn's arm, which didn't seem to bother the goalkeeper. Their hands touched slightly and Alex played a bit with Ashlyn's fingers. Along the path, the pair passed Rhian and Diana walking in the opposite direction, hand-in-hand and clearly giddy over becoming a couple. They sped up and made it back to the hotel in a couple of minutes.

After getting to their room, Ashlyn kicked off her boots and lied down on her bed. Alex came over and rested her head on her shoulder, a position to which the two of them have become accustomed on road trips. Alex's hand moved up and ran itself through Ashlyn's short hair. She then leaned up and nipped at her ear, finally eliciting a response from the goalkeeper. Ashlyn finally lost control and placed her lips on Alex's neck, wanting to taste her. Alex moved her lips across Ashlyn's cheek until they met those of her roommate. Ashlyn responded slowly, enjoying the feelings that Alex was giving her. She unbuttoned Ashlyn's shirt and laid tender pecks along her upper torso before running her hands over her firm abs. Ashlyn looked lovingly at Alex and mouthed to her, "You're beautiful," causing her to blush slightly. Alex looked deep into Ashlyn's eyes and told her, "Let me love you, precious." Ashlyn smiled and lied back as Alex had her way with the older woman, bringing her to multiple orgasms. Following her third one, she turned Alex onto her back and slowly stripped her, then pleasured every inch of her body before pressing their mounds together and slowly rubbing against her. Alex writhed from the sensations and wrapped her legs around Ashlyn's waist, forcing her lips and clit to make more contact with her lover's womanhood. The two women sped up their contact and moved one another to a simultaneous orgasm. After catching their breaths, Ashlyn slid off Alex and lied down next to her. The pair looked at each other and shared a loving kiss, stirring something in Ashlyn which led to some additional caressing and Alex cumming again from Ashlyn's ministrations on her womanhood.


Steph and Shelina were lying in bed, asleep after an evening of love-making. Steph's mind would not stay shut down as she replayed what had happened and how she really didn't feel that good afterwards. She got out of bed and went into the hallway to find a quiet corner to do some yoga and meditation, hoping that that would quiet the running thoughts. After about 45 minutes, Steph returned to her room and lied down on the other bed, resulting in a quick trip to the Land of Nod.

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