A Day of Shaken Presumptions

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Sometime during the night, Steph awoke and went to one of Carm's guest rooms, allowing Ali to stretch out on the sofa. Waking around 6, Ali turned on the television and caught the last few minutes of a replay of last night's US-Canada match, along with the post-game show. To a chorus of boos from a small segment of the crowd who were displeased that the objects of their scorn did not play, Ashlyn and Alex were embracing and a bit shaken. Lindsey quickly headed for the locker room after the match.

=========== (Scene from last night) ===========

Rhian had brought Bianca and Stephany down to field level after the game for them to meet her new girlfriend and their soon-to-be-teammate.

Diana: Bianca! How long has it been since we've seen each other?

Bianca: Probably been a couple of years. I'm sure you know Stephany, my girlfriend.

Diana: Know of her, but we haven't formally met yet.

Diana reached out and shook Stephany's hand.

Bianca: Rhian was telling me that you're playing for Philadelphia next year.

Diana: Yes. I'm going to have to hit the road shortly to catch a red-eye back to Toronto so I can re-pack for a trip to Philly on Tuesday morning. The club is holding a big coming-out party on Thursday night and we're going to be doing a couple of other things in town the rest of the week. So what brought you out for tonight's game?

Bianca: I'm from the Bay Area and we live here during the off-season. I'm grateful that the assistant coach at our new club called Rhian when she saw us on TV so that we didn't have to deal with the crap that some of the fans were saying.

Rhian: Carm was really concerned because Bianca and Stephany's signings are supposed to be announced tomorrow.

Diana: The two of you are coming to the Hearts?

Stephany: Yes. Our agent told us that this team wanted us both because we were together and that they will stand up for their players to live and love as they wish.

Diana: You should have seen our general manager get out and make an issue of how the USSF has been ducking its responsibility to protect its players from the hatemongers that are seeking to eliminate LGBT players and coaches from the national team pool. Steph and I watched video of the team's press conference on Tuesday. The entire coaching staff, the general manager, and our captain Ali Krieger were there. Some asshole tried to get Kriegy to out herself, but she wasn't having it.

Bianca: So Ali is part of the Hearts. Ashlyn, too?

Diana: No Ashlyn, but Steph is no chopped liver, as the both of you know.

Stephany: Labbe?

Diana: Yes, Steph Labbe. Things could get confusing on Tuesday during dinner because we have at least three Stephanies on the roster. Her, you, and McCaffrey.

Bianca: Kristie Mewis's girlfriend?

Diana: Yep. We've got Kristie, too.

Bianca: Nooooooooooooo......seriously?

Diana: Seriously. This team is going to be good with who I know we have so far. It will also be a safe place for our players to be themselves.

Stephany: The response to this coming-out sure sounds like it will be a LOT different than what we experienced in Mexico after Bianca and I made things official on Instagram.

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