Heart Transplants

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A productive Tuesday training session had the youngest current and possible future Hearts (EJ, Becca, Frannie, Morgan Reid, and Sarah) playing together on one side of a 9v9 scrimmage along with Steph Ochs, Jen Hoy, Cami Levin, and Morgan Andrews. The other team consisted of Steph Labbe, Liz, Cari, Erin, Ali, Kristie, Diana, Steph McCaffrey, and Savannah. The spine of the younger team did very well in managing possession and making inroads on a stretched-out back line. Sarah's height made her a difficult mark for Cari and Liz, Becca's sneaky speed left Ali behind a couple of times, and Morgan Andrews' corner kicks found the two forwards for relatively easy goals. Satisfied with the day's work, Erica called time and informed everyone that, though there would be no practice tomorrow, they needed to show up at 9am for a brief meeting concerning incoming players and changes to the regular season set-up to accommodate them.


As Morgan Reid was getting dressed, Carm stopped by her locker and said that she needed to see Wendy before she left the complex, as is form for players at the completion of trials. She finished dressing and packing, then went up to check out with Wendy, bringing Becca and EJ for moral support. Her two friends waited in the conference room while she entered the general manager's office.

Wendy: Morgan, have a seat.

Morgan sat down pensively.

Wendy: Before I tell you what our staff's decision is, I'd like to know how you felt about your two days here.

Morgan: From a soccer perspective, I felt like I handled myself reasonably well compared to the others at my position and gave a full-out effort both in defense and on the few forays I made up the field. Personally, being with Becca and EJ the past few days has been wonderful, but I was also impressed by how much the older players valued their charges and sought to be mentors and guides for them instead of competitors. I'd love to play here for the Hearts and I hope I made a good enough impression that you'll consider me as part of the team.

Wendy: We knew what you brought to the table before you came in and said that, if I had kept one of our late picks in January, you'd have been taken at that time. The last two days did nothing to dissuade our interest and as such, I'd like to extend you a contract for the 2018 season with a club option for 2019.

Morgan: Thank you! Can you tell me how the coaching staff envisions my role within the team?

Wendy: Based on our discussions yesterday, you will be on a similar track as that of Becca, in that we're going to ease you into the positions where you'll be contending over the first 8, 10, 12 matches before letting you go heads-up against the incumbent players for a spot in the first XI. In her case, it's center back and defensive midfield; for you, it will be left back and center back.

Morgan: I can play some right back, but it looks like you're pretty set at the position with Liz, Steph Ochs, and Cami.

Wendy: That's good to know, and yes, we've got three players who can handle the spot, but you never know what could happen over the season or even within a single game that we might have to utilize you in that spot.

Morgan: Does the club help out at all with finding a place to live or other off-the-field issues?

Wendy: We have seven houses that have been leased to our players. With four players exiting by this time tomorrow and at least two in addition to you coming in, one of the purposes of tomorrow's meeting is to discuss who's with who and what's open.

Morgan: Good to know. When can I sign my contract?

Wendy: We're going to handle that tomorrow while you're here. There will be a release made later today about your joining the club along with the trade we will execute this afternoon.

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