Jesus Watches Us

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A/N: This is my slightly alternate history and total fluffy crack- spin on what happens when Jesus meets up with Team Family. This is a cautionary tale. Never- ever...lock Jesus up...

Please Note: Team Family remains forever intact in ALL of my fics!

❤️ RIP ❤️ Noah ❤️ Glenn Rhee ❤️  ❤️ Abraham Ford❤️ Sasha Williams ❤️



I was in a deep sleep, deeper than I've been in a long time. It was the first good night in a very long time and I owed it all to Michonne. My angel, my goddess; she loved me last night, better than I'd ever been loved before. 

Suddenly, I feel myself being pulled away from my dreams of Michonne and although the sound is slight, I can hear the creaking floorboards in my room; I can sense a presence and I know Carl wouldn't even bother being quite.

My survival instincts jolt me like a bolt of lighting. I wake suddenly, every thought in high definition, my sudden movement causes Michonne to jerk awake to see what caused my sudden stir. It's as if a hypodermic of adrenaline has been emptied into our carotid, ritually we grab our weapons and aim.

My eyes take in every ray of light, still, they can't believe what they are seeing. That smug asshole who calls himself Jesus is in my room. Properly he's got his hands up... but his eyes are not. His eyes are fixated on Michonne. He can't even focus on my colt aimed between his goddamn eyes.

"I bet you're wondering how I got out of your 'jail'." He said calmly while gesturing with air quotes at the word jail.

"Not really," I replied. What I really wanted to know is why the fuck is this asshole in my goddamn room staring at my woman's hot body.

"Who are you?" Michonne asked.

For a fleeting moment, I peered over at her, she's still beautifully nude, her eyes were fixed on him, any sudden move and I'd kill him, she'd kill him. Before he could answer her I did.

"That's the guy I told you about last night," I said, turning my gaze back to him.

I noticed his cheeks turning red as he continued to admire Michonne's perfect body.

"Get out," I ordered him and cocked my gun. I figured he was more of the thieving, peeping Tom- escape artist type and not a murderer; otherwise, we'd already been dead.

He finally peeled his eyes off Michonne and before he could fully exit the room we were half dressed and right on his heels.



I feel a nudge from Rick's callous hands and my eyes open like two flashlight beams. Though my eyes are open I can't think of why; my heart is pounding, mind empty. When Rick leaped from the bed I blindly followed. I only got a glimpse of a phantom shadow as I grabbed my sword.

Now that I'm properly armed I'm ready to face the intruder.

There was something puzzling in the man, my curiosity is peaked. He stood amazingly still. No-one can be that still, not even me. I wonder how long he stood there just watching us before Rick's six-sense kicked in. He was already watching me, his face cast as dead-pan as he could manage, yet he failed. There at the corner of his would-be somber lips was a crease of amusement.

Then his eyes lowered and lowered some more...

Perhaps he thought a full grin wasn't appropriate but the smug smirk wasn't either. Damn-it he was smirking at my body, I stood there frozen as I watched in annoyance at his expression. I saw nothing short of passion on his face, pure lust, as his face reddened with unrestrained blushing.

"I bet you're wondering how I got out of your 'jail'." The intruder calmly stated. He was being awkwardly playful considering the situation.

"Not really," Rick replied. I'm sure Rick was just as miffed as I was; this guy interrupted a perfectly good sleep and a possible round of morning delight.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He'd better have come with an army or it'll be my job to wipe that grin off his arrogant face. I won't enjoy it mind you. Well, maybe a little.

"That's the guy I told you about last night," Rick told me.

Interesting...Enough to send my hand tighter to my Katana...

"Get out," Rick ordered cocking the barrel of his colt and finally the smirk faded. Fortunate for him, Rick has some unfinished business, so the man who calls himself Jesus will live to tell the tale.


I wasn't sure how long I stood there gazing at them. There sleep positions left little to the imagination. These two kids had a very good night.

But it was her who captivated me.

I couldn't keep my eyes off her perfect, naked form, her skin glistening with a sensual sweat. The woman was beautiful in a classical way, no flowing golden curls or ivory skin; no piercing eyes of cerulean. Her cool umber skin reminded me of my favorite crisp autumn evening, the way her long lashes framed her eyes, resting beautifully on a cherub face. Catching me off guard, she jolted awake with a warning, her large liquid brown eyes held such an intelligence and serenity that it was impossible for me not to be held prisoner by them. Her eyes flung so wide each iris is a perfect orb of sweet chocolate. My god, her eyes were simply spellbinding, her rapturous eyes shone a shade of warm chestnut and there was a genuine look of concern on her symmetrical features.

Nothing so pretty could possibly harm you, right?


The way she held that masterpiece of a sword. She'd kill you without hesitation. I'm sure of it. I'm her target, her eyes captured me, turning me into stone and the way her full lips pierced together, it was inevitable and certain that once you looked at her, you couldn't look away.

"I bet you're wondering how I got out of your 'jail'." I quipped at the stunning couple.

They'll soon come to realize, they'll need a lot more than drywall and a combination lock to contain me. My dear old mother who died years before the turn said, I'm mischievous; I just say I've got an eye for fun. It's an opportunity you know. Mom hunts for bargains in the market and I hunt for fun. Ma gets cheap veggies, I get cheap laughs.

"Not really." The Leader replied. He was obviously pissed. Not that I blame him, I'd be more than pissed off if I was pulled away from such a magnificent creature.

"Who are you?" The beautiful woman asked I took a slight step back, it was all I could do not to stutter and blush when she addressed me.

"That's the guy I told you about last night." He replied to her before I could decide if I wanted to give her my legal name or my moniker.

"Get out." The Leader ordered me and pulled back the barrel on his gun to express his point. I knew he wasn't going to shoot me, but I'd be stupid to test him.

A/N: Part II is happening... 

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