Out Of Dreams

287 7 15

A/N: (A/U)  - Michonne POV

Rated X 

Warning: Assualt 

"Wake Up!" I hear a familiar voice shout at me, "Wake Up Chonne," She might as well throw a bucket full of ice on my head.

"Goddamn it, I'm up!" I shout back at her.

"Don't get pissy with me, I'm just trying to help."

Maggie is my best friend, roommate and I work at the same company. We are both entry-level paralegals at a law firm. She was raised on a farm and is very well adjusted to getting up at the butt-crack of dawn.

I'm a night owl by nature and even if I wasn't, my anxiety wouldn't allow me to ever go to sleep at a decent hour, let alone get more than a few hours of sleep. Rubbing my eyes, I peer at the clock on my nightstand 7:20 AM – crap on a biscuit, I have 15 minutes to get ready.

Maggie was fully dressed with a cup of coffee in hand and all smiles as she hands it over me.

"Okay, I'm up thanks." I sit up and yawn.

"I packed us lunches if you hurry you won't have to eat your English muffin in the car, "she said, making her way out of my room.

"Thanks, Mags," I mumbled, standing to my feet.

I brush my teeth and take a quick shower, which always wakes me up. I skip the arm-pit shaving, lotion, and make-up, allowing me a moment to butter my muffin. Maggie and I clocked in without a minute to spare. Carol, our supervisor is great, but she has zero-tolerance for tardiness. If you clock in a minute late, you get reprimanded and three of those will get you canned, no exceptions. With the help of Maggie, I've only got one infraction in my two years with the firm. Honestly, without her, I don't know how I'd survive.

My parents died of carbon monoxide poisoning in our old house six years ago when I was 19. Spending the night with my boyfriend at the time saved my life. The memory of finding them in their bed has haunted me and most likely always will. All of my relatives live out of state and none of them really seemed eager to take me in; with the exception of my mom's sister aunt Jacqui. Aunt Jaqui is a realtor, living in Washington DC. She made all the arrangements for my parent's funeral and sold my parents' home and all the valuables. With the money, she opened an account for me. I had earned a two-year scholarship to college while in high school, and I had not yet reached my second year in college. Aunt Jaqui made all the arrangements for me to live in Atlanta, so I could finish out the year. We agreed that I would transfer the following year to live with her and her husband Bruce.

The last part would never come to happen. On Maggie's birthday, a day that was supposed to be amazing turned out to be one of the most humiliating days of my life. I opened a tab for dinner and drinks at our favorite hangout and when it was time to settle up, my card had declined.

I found out that my aunt had stolen all of my inheritance money; she had taken over 50k from me and several others, mostly family and friends. I found out that she and her husband Bruce had conned many people out of money and they are now on the run with over two million dollars. I was devastated.

Although Maggie and I have been close friends since high school, she became my sister that day. I told her what happened and she's been there for me ever since. Her whole family took me in. I've been slowly putting the pieces together, saving money, paying Maggie for gas and my share of the rent and utilities is all I spend money on. I shop at thrift stores and I spend very little on food. The majority of my money is being spent on education. I plan on becoming a lawyer one day.

After work, Maggie dropped me off at the grocery store. It was Friday and that's date night for her and Glen. This was no problem at all. The shopping plaza is only a few blocks away from the apartment complex, the weather is perfect today and it won't be dark for several hours. I walk around the strip mall just window shopping.

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