Welcome to Hogwarts Pt. 1

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House: You Choose. (You're From Ilvermorny)

Blood Status:  You Choose

A/N:  I/H = Ilvermorny House


Third Person POV:

"Your attention, please!" Dumbledore shouts from the front of the Great Hall, raising his arms to silence the students.  Everyone quiets down.  "I have the important announcement to make before we start our yearly feast!  Because of the success of making new, international friendships with Beauxbatons Academy and Durmstang Institute, the Hogwarts Administrators have decided to welcome more students into the doors of Hogwarts and further extend our international magical cooperation.  So, please join me in welcoming the students of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry!"

The golden doors of the great hall swing open and murmurs and chatter erupt from the Hogwarts students.  A group of about twenty students stream in in a clump wearing a mix of black, red, blue, and white.  They walk forward towards the front of the Great Hall and stop just before the table where the professors sit.  The mass of Hogwarts students is still murmuring and Dumbledore raises a hand calmly and they quiet down.  One of the Ilvermorny students steps forward, y/n y/l/n.

"Thank you, Professor Dumbledore, for welcoming us so kindly into your school.  It is very much appreciated," she says, bowing her head.  Dumbledore smiles at her warmly.  

"Now, I understand that Ilvermorny, too, has houses," he says.  Y/n nods.  

"Yes, sir.  Thunderbird, Wampus, Horned Serpent, and Pukwudgie," she says.

"I also understand that there is no direct correlation between them and our houses at Hogwarts.  In that case, we have assigned each Ilvermorny house a host house from Hogwarts."

The Ilvermorny students nod and the Hogwarts students all pass whispers to each other.  Professor Dumbledore then reads off the host houses and the visiting houses.  I/H was assigned to Slytherin.  After finishing, Dumbledore motions for all the American students to sit down at the long house tables.  Y/N sits down with a couple of her friends from I/H.  A lavish banquet of food appears in front of them after some more opening remarks from Dumbledore and the toad-like Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher.


The feast is soon over and Y/n gets up with her friends.

"Hello," a voice from behind her says.  She whips around to see a tall, blonde boy in front of her.  A Slytherin.

"H-Hi," she says, a bit surprised by his sudden presence.  

"My name is Draco Malfoy.  I'm one of the Slytherin prefects.  I'll be showing you all and the new first years to the Slytherin house common room," he explains.  

"Good to know," she says, combing her fingers through her hair.  He smiles at her, a bit taken by her soft voice and beauty.  She returns the smile. 

"First years and I/H students please follow me!" a short, pug-faced girl shouts to the frightened eleven-year-olds.  She whirls around and marches out of the Hall.   Y/n trails behind her classmates and the heard of first years next to Draco.  

"So... you're in I/H right y/n?" he asks curiously.  She nod.

"Yep.  Two statues turned around for me actually..." she says as they all walk down the stairs to the dungeons. 

"Statues?" he asks.  

"Yep.  That's how we're sorted.  We go before statues representing the houses and if they turn to us, we can go into that house.  If multiple statues want us, we can choose on our own," she explains.  He nods and they continue talking, comparing Hogwarts and Ilvermorny.  They approach the Slytherin common room and Draco reluctantly leaves y/n to fulfil his perfect duty, still wanting to talk with y/n.  

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