Fuel For the Hate Fire Pt. 2

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This imagine was requested by MarchellaPrinceashleyfanficreader, hogwartzsiloveusomuchxoxo, barry_allen012!

Thanks for being so patient!  I just got my keyboard fixed so I'll be updating a bit more often!  Thanks for reading!

House: Slytherin

Blood Status: Pureblood

Warning: Swearing


Third Person POV:

In a huff, y/n struts down the hallway and down the stairs to potions being tailed intently by Marcus Flint.

"No!  Get away from me!  I'm already late for class!  I don't want to have to explain to Professor Snape how you made me even tardier!" y/n shouts without looking back to her pursuer.  Marcus Flint grumbles and roughly grabs y/n's free hand to harshly spin her around to face him, forcing her against the wall.  "Let go of-"

"Shhh!" he hisses angrily, cupping his hand over her mouth.  She doesn't listen and tries to shout at him from under his hand, but all that can be heard are irritated muffles and grunts.  Time slows down for y/n as he rolls his eyes and his scowl turns to a smile, making y/n edge away from him as the seconds creep by slowly.  He gently removes his hand from her mouth and she crosses her arms in front of her chest, glaring at Flint. "Now will you listen to me for a second, y/l/n?  Godammit.  I thought I was never gonna get you alone..."

"What is that supposed to mean, Flint?  What are you?  A stalker?" y/n mutters, avoiding his intent gaze.  "Now will you let me go?  Draco is probably waiting for me."

"Forget about that bastard!" Flint snaps aggressively, trapping y/n against the wall without the slightest bit of hesitation.

"Get away from me you creep!" she shouts, slapping him across the face and grabbing her book bag as the impact echoes down the hall.  She tries to escape, but Flint grabs her by the waist, causing them to topple down to the ground.  "How many times do I have to say it?!  Go away!"

"Just listen to me, y/l/n!" Flint chuckles.  "I'm not trying to hurt you!"

"You have a funny way of going about it!" y/n retorts, standing back up.  Flint scoffs and shoves his hands in his pockets.  "Fine," y/n sighs reluctantly.  "What is it that's so important that you need to keep me from going to class at a reasonable time and see my boyfriend?"

"You don't really mean that, do you?" he laughs, obviously very amused.

"Mean what?" she grumbles back.

"Mean 'boyfriend', right y/n...?  Your relationship is fake.  It's a fluke, a popularity stunt for extra power!" Flint spits out, bemused.  "You and I both know it ever meant to last..."

"How dare you ever consider the possibility that Draco and my relationship is anything but absolute or genuine!" y/n gasps loudly, her hand on her heart.  

"Drop the act!  I know that you got together because you wanted a boost in your popularity.  It's been two and a half months since your little shenanigans started.  Now it's time to move on to someone who can... better suit your needs if you know what I mean...," Flint smirks cockily.

"Oh, God.  Never, Flint," y/n says dryly.  "You are not my type."

"But I can serve you better, y/n!  I'm a seventh year!  I have much more power than that idiot Malfoy has!" he exclaims.  "I can supply you with anything you could ever want!  Everyone fears me!  I can treat you like the princess you are!  I can provide you with what you, a beautiful pureblood witch deserves.  Compared to what I can offer you, Draco Malfoy is treating you like a slave who's part of a hundred person long chain gang!"

Draco Malfoy ImaginesUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum