Love Written Forever In Ink! (A Justin Timberlake fanfic)

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm a TIMBERLAKER! I've always been one and ever since I came on to wattpad I've been reading two Justin fanfics, they're billions of timberlakers but yet so less good fanfics on him? It was surprising and so I supposed I should write one, I'd love it if you guys commented, voted, and fan! Also, give me idea's and advice. Constructive criticism only please, it's my first time writing and I'd love it if you guys supported me!

-Malaika Timberlake

*Justin's P.O.V*

It was sunday night, I was laying in bed with Jess she had her face facing towards me and I could just stare in to her beautiful eyes all night long. Everything seemed perfect at the moment, just me and her together.

But tomorrow I had to leave for Europe, it was harder because she couldn't go with me because of her work. She had been fiming a new movie and co-directing it. I couldn't ask her to leave all that to come with me and this movie had been her dream.

Ugh, I was SO tired, I was dying from exhaustion from all the concerts and touring around yet tomorrow I was flying to Europe for my Europian leg of the 20/20 experience. Now don't get me wrong here, I love my career and everything about it.

But I felt as if I was drifting away from Jess, I barely saw her due to all the touring I was doing. The media made it worse and kept on making rumors about our seperation which made things really hard. I loved her so much but I had so less time to prove it to her. She kept on saying she understood but I could see the sad sparkle in her eyes everytime I had to leave. I felt like I didn't know her anymore. I would recieve more information about her from the media then her telling me. I didn't want my marriage breaking apart.

After what had happened with Britney, Jess was all I had and she was the love of my life, I hated how everyone kept putting me with other women and saying "Oh he looks much better with them". They don't know me and shouldn't have the right to say that, I love Jess and only Jess, I say that loud and clearly. I wish I could tell her all this, but afterall I was doing all of this for her so I could buy her all the happiness in the world, everything she ever desired for. Besides, it was a few months and hopefully our lives would settle down.

Slowly while I was staring in to her beautiful eyes and thinking all of this I drifted off to sleep.

*A couple hours later*

* Jessica's Point Of View*

I woke up to Justin's body protectively cuddling me. His hair was all messy; he probably was upset about leaving me. He always messed his hair when he was upset or stressed. He looked so adorable. I really wished that I could see him like this every morning but our lives were so busy!

I gently stroked his jawline and whispered to him "'s time to go.." Suddenly a frown formed on his face and he grabbed my hand. "I don't want to go at all...I love you and I want to stay with you". It made me so upset that he had to leave and I would have to sleep alone on this bed. "Babe, I don't want you to go either... but it's a part of your job and then again we could always fly to each other and surprise one another right?" I said to him. He silently nodded before he was going to speak again... "Darling, but-..." Before he could speak I went on top of him and pressed my lips against him. "I love you and ill be fine your fans need you. Ill always have you they won't ;)" I spoke to him!

Justin grinned at me and said "So babe... We have 3 hours before I have to get ready to leave. So shall we for the last time in a while?" He said while winking at me. I giggled and then smirked "Why of course my dear.. You know I love you and your timbersnake ;) I'm going to miss this and you!!" I whispered to him while slowly undoing his robe. We got undressed pretty quick. He pressed his lips against mine and slowly kissed my lower lip!

Now we all know what happened! What happens between Mr. & Mrs. Timberlake remains between them!

*5 hours later*

*Justins P.O.V*

Jess was staring at me and she had this sad glow in her eye. It was depressing to see her this upset! "Babe like you said before, we can always fly to each other, don't be too upset or else how will your sexy husband go on tour?" I said cockily with sincerity as well. She cat walked up to me and said "Oh don't be so sure. Who said I'm going to miss you? I've got all this and you won't be getting any of this" She said teasingly while grinning and pointing to herself. Mmmm, she looked so beautiful I was going to miss her so much..I pulled her to me and picked her up and started twirling her around. "Oh Ill miss you and that beautiful smile of yours" She laughed, Oh how amazing she looked when she smiled. 

      Johnny my manager came in to the room and said "Justin, I know you're going to miss Jess, I am too, but we're getting late. Afterall, the europians are waiting for that handsome face of yours!" I looked at the time..."Oh shit! we are getting late!!" I romantically kissed Jess for the last time in  a while and whispered to her ear "I love you"... And she responded with a sweet peck kiss and she said "I love you too and babe please never forget me" I wondered what she had meant by that, but I was getting late so I had to leave for now!

A/N: So.. how are you guys liking it? I know it's the first chapter. I need constructive criticism!! Thank You!! Oh and do you like the cover page and the name?

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