Love Written Forever In Ink Chapter 19

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*Aria's P.O.V*

I put the cover down for the toilet. "No." I whispered silently to myself while taking a seat on the toilet. I had turned the water on so Justin assumed I was taking a shower. I actually really did feel bad for how I treated him. He was my idol. And I should be grateful that the crush of my life is now my boyfriend. I let out a exasperated sigh. But, this type of love was my addiction. I had been seeing psychiatrists for months now, I just couldn't stop. And now. I was going to use Justin to please myself. Everyone in my town knew how I was so they wouldn't dare coming near me. It was quite painful. I felt something vibrate against my thigh. I took my phone out and saw that it was Britney. Yes, I had been friends with Britney Spears for years now. We grew up together. I knew Justin was her ex and that he hurt her extremely.

That was another reason I was doing all this, with the help of Britney he couldn't ever leave me. Britney just wanted Jess to feel terrible and him to be in pain for not forgiving her and going back with him. It felt terrible lying to my childhood best friend all years along. I really did love JT all myself but I pretended in front of her that I hated him. Once again, I was lost in my thoughts and the vibration shook me out of it. "Hey Brit Brit!!" I said happily to her. "How are you my cutie pie? And how's the dog?" She asked referring Justin as the dog. He really didn't deserve this. But I knew I liked how he made me feel. And I liked how I felt when I saw him pain. It made me feel like as If I wasn't the only one who went through all this excruciating yet pleasurable pain. "Oh what can I say? I've got him lovestoned for myself." I said letting out a laugh. "But Queen B, Soon his concerts are starting and I can't stop him from that of course. I'll need some full time spies on him." I explained to her. I heard her let out a cackle.

"Yes of course, it's already been arranged for September. He has one more month where you can watch him. And then exactly on September 7th the spies will keep on their eyes on him." She explained. I nodded and told her "I abuse him like Jake abused me...Sorry I can't control myself" I admitted to her. I heard he burst in to laughter. "Even better boo, anyways, I got to go pick up the kids. I'll text you." She told me. "Bye boo boo Love you girl" I told her. She hung up and within seconds texted me saying "Love you too.. Xoxo". Oh Britney was my best friend. And I actually kind of felt myself falling for him. I decided I should actually jump in to the shower. I had some consequences to give to Justin afterwards. I smiled to myself and thought. "Oh this man, will never look at himself the way he used to" I whispered.

*Justin's P.O.V*

I needed to talk to Jess but how? Aria had all my incoming and outgoing call list, she had my texts list. My twitter account & Instagram. I was really trapped in this jail. I could probably even escape, but I knew she was friends with Britney and probably had some sort of guards on me. I couldn't risk myself getting killed. Although, my power was more superior. I had promised myself that after Jess id stick with the woman next. And sadly Aria was it. I knew Jess and I weren't officially over, but she wanted a break. Not just any break. A couple years. She just wanted to keep in contact for some odd reason. The idea of her being pregnant did come across my mind. But I'm pretty sure I recalled using protection the last time. So that couldn't be it, maybe she just wanted a rebound that if she found someone and they didn't keep her satisfied she always knew I was there.

I shrugged not knowing what to, I decided to turn on the news. Hollywood Gossip had turned on. Oh great, bunch of crap about celebrities. "Can this be true? Jessica Biel & Justin Timberlake heading for a separation?! The news broke out. I turned the volume down incase Aria was listening. I carefully listened to the tv. "Rumours have it that JT & JB are heading towards a separation. He has been spotted with another woman. In the pictures he doesn't seem happy. Maybe he's missing JB. Oh well stay tuned in for more information." The tv spoke to me. My eyes glistened with tears. If only they knew what I was going through. I look up at my scars on my stomach, chest, & arms. While I was commemorating what's happened to me.

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