Love Written Forever In Ink Chapter 13

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*Third Person Narration*

Jimmy & Nancy watched Jess furiously walk out. Nancy made movement to go follow her but Jimmy grabbed her by her wrist and pulled her back. She stared in to his eyes in confusion. "No, she needs some time to cool down." Jimmy told her. She nodded and went to go console Aria who was uncontrollably sobbing. "Why are you crying? It's not your fault. Ugh, Justin. He doesn't know how to control his feelings." said Nancy trying to console Aria. "It's not that he's playing with my feelings, but the fact that I think I just broke someone's wedding" Aria said with her voice cracking. Jimmy walked over and sat beside her. They both hugged Aria and told her that it'd be okay. She nodded and threw her head in her hands. Jimmy patted her back and got up to go on a walk. Nancy sat beside her and put her headphones in.

***Couple Hours Later***

"Let's go to Justin again?" Suggested Nancy. Aria and Jimmy both nodded. They slowly opened the door to see Justin crying. "I screwed up again.." He cried. Aria felt uncomfortable so she got up from her seat and ran outside the room with her tears streaming down her face. "Why is she crying?!? She ruined everything!!" yelled Justin. A doctor rushed in and saw Justin!

"You need to be stress free! You have to rest for tonight and you will be discharged tomorrow! Rest, & Relax and if family becomes and issue we will ban them from entering. Understood?" said the doctor in a serious tone. Justin glared at the doctor.."I'm the one paying you. So let me be and now get out!" Justin rudely spoke. The doctor shook his head and turned to leave. Jimmy followed behind "I'm sorry for his behaviour. His wife just left him.." Explained Jimmy. The doctor nodded in confusion and then shook it off when he realized that it was none of his business.

"Justin... Actually.. Sorry to break this to you. All of this is your fault. If you kept your damn lustful desires to yourself. You wouldn't have played her heart. Or if you didn't just assume it was Aria kissing you. It wouldn't have happened. She's been crying all these days for you.. And that's how you treat her? You ought to apologize later" Nancy glared at Justin. Justin quickly nodded and apologized, he feared what Nancy could do to him. Nancy and Jimmy told him to get some sleep and they soon left for their hotel near by.

***An hour later***

Aria crept in to Justin's hospital room after visiting hours were closed and he ought to be asleep. She walked up to him and kissed him. "I love you so much. You don't even know. I'm sorry about what happened" she whispered to his ear. Justin opened his eyes and whispered "Aria?" in a deep husky voice. Aria backed away frightened from what he might do. "No no, don't be scared," he grabbed her by her wrist and brought her closer. "I love you too.. I'm sorry about earlier. It's just so much is going on. And.. I really do love Jess. I'll have to talk to her.. This might have to be our good bye.." explained Justin. Although, he knew that this girl had that electrifying vibe to her that would drag him back to her. She nodded and said "well let's make tomorrow our 'maybe' good bye date. We'll make it memorable" she grinned.

Justin laughed and said "I like the way you think" he grinned. Aria looked in to his eyes, she could see pain flickering through his eyes yet he still managed to put a fake smile upon it. She scooted closer to him and pressed her lips against his. She felt him kiss her back, he licked her lips motioning for her to part her lips. Aria allowed his tongue to enter and they kissed in such rhythm that was unbreakable. Justin pulled away breathing heavily. "I don't think too much love is good right now. I was just in a coma' he whispered. I laughed and lied my head down on his chest. He nuzzled his head on top of Aria's head. Aria dug in to his chest more and gently stroked his stomach. I straightened out my palm and rided my hand up his shirt and stroked his body. 

Soon both Aria and Justin fell asleep in that position. Justin had a broken heart, he didn't know how to fix whatever happened with Jess and him. He didn't know If he even wanted to fix it. He was starting to feel really close to Aria now. He at least wanted to talk to Jess. He made a promise to himself that he would go talk to Jess as soon as he felt a bit better. 

***The Next Morning*** 

*Justin's P.O.V* 

I woke up before Aria and she looked beautiful, her eyes shut and her hands tangled in mine. I turn my head down to kiss her forehead. I stroked her hair and lied my head down on my pillow. I decided that I would make tonight a memorable night with Aria, even if I didn't return from Jess she'd remember me. While I was thinking how I could make this night I was interuppted by a huge roar barging from my stomach. Aria woke up scared, I laughed "I'm sorry baby, I'm hungry" she laughed and decided to go get me some breakfast. 

While she was gone the doctor came in and told me I was ready to go but I needed to be careful because I still did have a head injury. They handed me a pair of my clothing, I was unsure how I was going to change with out falling. 

Aria came back with breakfast, she sat down and started to feed me my breakfast.. "So, I'm allowed to go home.. But I can't take the hospital clothing with me..." I started to say. I felt embarrased asking for her help to help me change. She laughed and poked my nose "Of course silly you can't.." she told me. I looked down and a blush crept up my neck "And so.. I need help...changing" I told her. She blushed and nodded. "Yeah.. I'll help you.. Just finish eating first" She told me. I smiled and sighed in relief. That wasn't so hard. Pfft, But she'll love that timbersnake she's going to see. I laughed to myself and she looked at me curiously. I shook my head and told her it was nothing. She smiled and continued to feed me. I looked in to her pretty hazel eyes and tangled my fingers in to her hair. 

A/N: So, this was a filler chapter. Next chapter will be the clothing change and date he has planned. Something will happen so stay tuned. Question Of The Update: So last chapter Jess was talking to herself or...? Answer below.. Vote,Fan, & Comment!!!!!! <333

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