Love Written Forever In Ink Chapter 17

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*Justin's P.O.V*

Jess was acting so strange, I was disgruntled by her attitude. I know what I did. I know it was stupid. I picked up my phone, I was furious and dialled Jess. "Hello?" She said calmly. I could hear my mother talking in the background. Now she's gotten me looking like crap in front of my family. Jeez, woman. "Hello? Justin?" She said. "What the heck did you mean by 'I loved him now'?!? -" I said practically screaming. She cut me off to try to speak. "No shut up Jess. Let me talk. I loved you all this time, I've made mistakes and I know it! You don't have to remind me 24/7. I only cheated twice, okay? But each time it was because I was lost and I needed you there but you were no where to be found. I loved you, I still love you. But all these years you didn't love me? You suddenly love me now?!? Wow Jess. How do I know you haven't been cheating on me!?" I yelled at her. I heard someone else on the phone and Jess crying in the back.

I walked over and punched the wall. Oh screw her. "Justin what is wrong with you?! You tell me she's wrong?" My mother yelled at me. "Mom. Stop. Ask her what she meant by 'She loved me NOW! When I was dying" I said with my tone a bit louder. I cut the line off before she could talk I didn't want to hear it.

I picked up my phone and called Aria, I had arranged a plane ride for her. I think I've made my decision now... Jess I don't know about her. Maybe those tabs were right about our divorce.. "Aria. I've sent my jet over to Berlin, get on it and come here. No buts or ifs, it's final" I said dominantly. "Okay, I'm coming Justin" she told me calmly. I nodded and cut the phone off.

I decided I'd go to Hawaii with Aria for a while, If I stayed here Lynn or someone from the family will get to me. And I don't want to hear their crap. Always blaming the men.

*** Aria's P.O.V ***

I laughed at the other end, he wanted me, I knew I'd have him on his knees begging for me. Jess has no competition. I'm much more beautiful and with power. I started packing , while my mother came in and asked me where I was going. "Memphis mum, I don't to have to answer any much more. I'm an adult" I said with a sour tone. "Okay." Was all her mother said and walked out. She knew how her daughter was but didn't blame her. Anyone would've went crazy after all she's been through.

I left to where Justin had instructed me to go, I found Johnny over there waiting for my arrival. "Hello Johnny" I smirked. He gave me a weak smile and allowed me in. I went and sat in a comfortable chair and dozed off. There'd be a lot of stuff going on soon. My body required it's rest.

*** Jess's P.O.V ***

I cried and cried. The only reason I had said that was because he was always gone for so long, I was tired of sleeping alone in the house. The darkness was swallowing me. I needed him. But when I saw our little babies heart beat. I had realized that I was being selfish and he was doing it all for us. How could he call me unfaithful? Lynn came over to me and hugged me tightly. I loved Lynn more than my own mother. I hugged her back and allowed my painful shrieks come out. She patted my back and told me to relax and we'd talk about it later. I took her advice and went to Justin's bedroom in the house. It was the same room we always stayed in. My marriage was crumbling. Especially with the baby on the way. I fell asleep crying.

Later on, I woke up with Lynn's soothing voice. "Hey Lynn" I whispered to her. She nodded and handed me a cup of coffee and a pregnancy tablet. I smiled and nodded. "Lynn. Should I tell him about the pregnancy? Maybe that'd change stuff between us." She nodded and told me that'd be a good idea. "Dear, I don't mean to offend you. But what did you mean by 'I loved him now'" I looked at her blankly and then explained everything. She nodded in relief and told me come downstairs. I hopped in to the shower I looked disgusting then went downstairs for dinner.

*Third Person Narration: At Justin's *

"We're going to Hawaii, " Justin told Aria she squealed excitedly. "OMG! I always wanted to go there! Thank you!" Aria smiled. He laughed and took her hand and stroked it gently. He had no idea what was going on through Aria's mind. He didn't know the mentally sick ideas she had. "Aria, I'm going to choose you." Justin spoke bluntly. Aria simply hugged him and kissed his cheek. "You've made the right decision." She lustfully whispered in to his ear. He shivered at her hot breathe piercing through his skin. She laughed to herself, she had him hypnotized under her spell. "Aria...I vowed to myself that after Jess I'd stick with the woman I choose next. I promise I'll stand by you no matter what." Justin told Aria sincerely. She could see the flicker in his eyes full with pain but she knew he was being sincere. "Okay. I love you" she told him. Everything she said was full of lies, she didn't really care for him. She just had her abusive ways, and she was going to use them on him. Justin really didn't know what he was going up against to.

Justin saw something move outside he looked to see Trace dialling a number and saying "He's with Aria.." He spoke..

Justin was tremendously furious! Jess had someone spy on her. Not just someone his own best friend Trace. Unbelievable. He glared at Trace. Trace looked at him with an apologetic look and shrugged. Justin still couldn't believe it. Suddenly, he felt a set of arms wrap themselves around his waist. He turned around to see Aria leaning towards him. He kissed her forehead and cuddled her back. Aria knew she had to play princess to get him totally under he control before she could show her true colours.

*** At Justin's house ***

Jess was furious! He went back with her. That was it, she was totally done with him. She wasn't going to tell him about the baby nor was she going to apologize anymore. "I'm filing for a divorce" Jess said surprising everyone in the living room...

Because of a misunderstanding their whole life was about to change....

A/N: Mhm.. As so I'm trying to make up for the days I haven't updated. Thank you and be patient with me! ❤️ Now for QOTU (Question Of The Update): What do you think is going to happen? Comment! Vote! Fan! And keep reading! ❤️

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