Love Written Forever In Ink Chapter 26

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A/N: I'll do my A/N first. So thank you first of all for getting me 300 and above votes! I appreciate it! My goal is to obtain higher! But It's okay I just love writing! Secondly, I asked If you wanted a Jess/JC P.O.V chapter, so here it is, it doesn't mean that Justin will be cut off completely it will actually explain some decisions Jess makes. Lastly QOTU: How do you think I'll end this story? I want to see your predictions! Comment Fan & Vote! ❤️ Enjoy Barbz (I wanna call you that for some reason: Too much Nicki Minaj)

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*Jess's P.O.V*

I waddled inside, I was on my 6th month ending my second trimester. Now was the time I needed a lot of attention and care. I didn't see the banana peel on the ground. Must have dropped that earlier, OOPS. I almost tripped until I felt two strong arms hold me. "Babe, walk slower" JC whispered. He was actually really sweet, even though It wasn't his baby, he was taking care of me perhaps maybe even more than Justin could have.

I thought many times to tell him about the baby, I just didn't think we were ready to be together again, so I didn't want to force a relationship. I also realized that not telling him that it wasn't his would kill off opportunists for him and I. But to be very civil and honest, I was actually loving JC's company. He was going to be a great father.

I put my arm around JC's back and put one hand on my stomach. He put his arm around my back to secure my position. "Thank you. What would I do with out you?" I said lifting my head to kiss him. "I don't know babe, I am really good" he laughed. I laughed and shook my head, we approached the couch and he placed a pillow behind my back and helped me sit down. "I'm going to go get you a fresh healthy smoothie" he told me. I nodded and grabbed his hand before he went. "I love you. By the way, Nancy and Jimmy are coming by later." I reminded him.

"Yeah I can't wait! Haven't seen Jimmy in a while." He said excitedly. Then he left out the house to the smoothie hut down the city. I started to think about how JC and I actually got together. It was a pleasant yet sad memory. Pleasant because I met a man I was loving more second by second. Sad because it was the day Justin and I tore apart.

It was a rainy night of course, I was just upset sitting at the L.A mansion. JC had come by to see If Justin was here. They were working on some new duet together. When he saw me, he came over and asked me if I was alright, according to him I had bloodshot eyes and dark circles below my eyes. I told him what happened and he pulled me in to a hug. That night he stayed with me all night comforting me, telling me that he'd talk to Justin if I wanted but instead I kissed him. Yes I made the move, and surprisingly he kissed me back. He told me how he wanted me before Justin got with me.

How he was the one who told Justin about me and hooked us up but then saw his best friends happiness and forgot his own. He indeed was a terrific friend and now I saw boyfriend material in him. When I told him about the whole pregnancy he acted even more sweet and tender with me. Until one night he asked me if I wanted to go out with him. I said 'yes' since Justin and I were on separate terms and were allowed to see other people.

I did feel bad knowing that it was his best friend and that it would slowly kill him inside. But. I needed love too. I saw all those dirty and painful twitter notifications I received everyday, only because I married a person I loved. However, I ignored those because I had Justin's side, but since he no longer thought my existence was precious. Why should I care about how he felt? At last, when I finally felt happy with myself and my decisions I started actually falling for JC. He was actually really sexy, and don't even get me started on how soft his hair was.

I was starting to consider the divorce option but then JC convinced me to just take it slow. He said he wouldn't want me to do anything that I'd regret. As so I'm doing now, I'm waiting until I see a proper sign of what to do.

While I was refreshing my whole memory of JC and I, I was interrupted by loud knocking on the door. "AUNT JESS!! OPEN THE DOOR" I heard Winnie yell. "Oh God" I mumbled. "Coming!!" I yelled. Then I started to waddle towards the door. "Finally, took you a while!!" Nancy said trying to hug me. It was awkward hugging because she didn't want to squeeze the baby. It was just odd how we hugged. Jimmy was going to hug me but instead just propped me. "Too much effort Jess." He laughed.

We all made our way back to the couches. "Aunt Jess. Why are you fat?" Winnie asked. Jimmy burst out laughing and Nancy slapped his arm. I reddened with embarrassment. "Well Winnie. Aunt Jess ate a baby. Now it's in her stomach. Then when Aunt Jess pukes it out Uncle Justin and Aunt Jess are going to have a baby" Nancy explained. I nodded going with the flow.

"But I thought you and Uncle Justin weren't friends anymore" she asked. I shook my head and sighed. I picked her up and put her in my lap. "No no. Uncle and I were upset with each other. But we're friends. Uncle Justin is busy with concerts right now" I explained to her. She smiled broadly and poked my stomach. It felt really weird but it's okay she's just a child. "Yay! I'm going to have a friend in the house!" She cheered. I laughed and nodded. "Now you should go play with your toys in your room" I told her. She jumped up and down excitedly and ran upstairs.

She always got a room in all of our houses, she was spoiled by everyone. I loved Winnie and her weird questions.

"Okay, so JC and you are final now?" Nancy asked once she confirmed that Winnie was out of sight. I nodded in reply for her question. "Yeah, I see that he's happy with Aria. And to be honest, JC is proving to be a great boyfriend and father." I smiled. As soon as I said that JC walked in with my smoothie. "Hey gorgeous." He said kissing my cheek and handing me my smoothie,

"I was just about to ask where you were man! Left me all alone with the women" Jimmy pouted.

I heard JC laugh, he had a deep husky laugh. It was quite sexy to be honest. JC walked up and sat beside me on the couch stroking my leg softly. "I went to go get Jess a smoothie. It's good for the baby, I read it in a pregnancy manual" he smiled. "You read manuals?! I just went with the flow!" Jimmy laughed. JC and I shook our head in sync. "You two are adorable" Nancy commented bluntly. "Thank you girl" I said high fiving her.

*** After a couple of hours ***

"We should really get going Nancy" Jimmy said while holding Winnie in his arms. "Okay bye guys!" Nancy smiled. "Bye bye bye! See what I did there" JC laughed. I shoved him lightly and laughed. "Hey no abusing me! I'm your boyfriend!" JC said puckering his lips. "Oh I love you!" I said kissing his bottom lip. "Oh stop you two love birds. You're worse than Justin & Aria" Nancy said accidentally. "Oops. Sorry" she said. I shook my head "it's okay! I'm glad I'm better than him!" I laughed. "Anyways don't tell Justin anything I told you! Bye take care" I laughed.

"I swear I won't girl!" She laughed and head off in to the car. They disappeared off the horizon within seconds. "Do you really mean it when you say 'I love you'? JC asked catching me off guard.

"Yes. At first you were kind of like my rebound, but I've started to love you. Maybe slightly even more than Justin" I smiled. He smiled and picked me up bridal style. It was astonishing that he could manage to pick me up with out breaking his back with this baby in me! I laughed as he twirled me around, soon he put me down and bent down on the ground on to his knees.

JC lifted my shirt and placed his lips on to my bare stomach. "Hey baby. It's JC. I want you to call me JC! I'm your dad's best friend" he said kissing my stomach. "OOOO!" He yelled. "What?!" I shrieked in happiness while wiping a tear. "It kicked! It kicked where I kissed it" I laughed at how cute he was. "How many times do I have to tell you. It's not an 'It'. She! The baby is a female" I laughed. He stuck out his tongue. "Whatever! Still gonna say It" he hysterically laughed.

Then he continued to talk to the baby, he said he wasn't going to try to take his fathers spot but would be the best dad anyways! He was honestly a perfect boyfriend and soon to be father. Why hadn't I met him earlier? I did miss Justin and he would always be somewhere in my heart. But right now JC held a bigger spot in my heart. Soon he got up and kissed me. "I love you a lot Jess. It's unbelievable" he whispered. I hugged him and let my nostrils fill with his scent. "I love you too" I said leaving a peck on his neck before snuggling back in to his shoulder.

*Third person*

They confessed their love for one another. Who would've known that this much would happen? Who knew that JC and Jess would actually fall in love? Who knew if Justin and Aria would even last? But guess what? It all happened. Both couples were extremely happy and felt as if nothing would ever change that. But that was yet to be determined soon...

Love Written Forever In Ink! (A Justin Timberlake fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now