Love Written Forever In Ink Chapter 6

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*Justin's P.O.V*

I opened the door to find the Fallon's family. Oh crap, I totally forgot that Nance called me and told me that they were coming.

I suddenly  released myself from Aria's grip. She understood and backed away, but that look Jimmy and Nancy were giving me was unbearable.

'Uncle J!" cutely yelled Winnie breaking the silence. Jimmy gave me the type of look to follow him. I nodded and followed him outside apartment. 

*Aria's P.O.V* 

Oh em gee, I was meeting Thee Fallon  family! I can't even. Oh God! But the way they looked at Justin earlier didn't look so sweet.

"So..Who are you?" asked Nancy catching me off guard. "I uh.. I'm a big fan of Justin. We met backstage." I said. Nancy didn't look so pleased by my answer.

"So.. does he bring all his backstage friends back home? I mean what are you doing here?' rudely asked Nancy, but I got why she had her attitude to the sky right now.

"Woah there... Nancy, I know you don't like me. But Justin and I have nothing. We've just became friends that's it." I half lied and halfly spoke the truth. We weren't together but we really didn't have a relationship either.

Her face expression toned down a bit but then suddenly it rose again. "So... what explains the arms around the waist?" she asked curiously. "It was nothing, trust me. I really was excited to meet the Fallon family. I don't want to set a bad first impression of myself." I said innocently.

She became calm and laughed. "I didn't mean to scare you, It's just that Justin gets off track in his love life easily. So Jimmy and I are there to protect him" she laughed.

We both sat down and turned on the stereo.  We talked about a bunch of things especially the History of Rap's.  Her and I actually became friends right away. 

*Justin's P.O.V*

Jimmy pulled me out of the apartment and dragged me to his car. "What the heck did I just see?" he asked me.

I didn't know what to say, but since he was my best friend. I would tell him everything. Every little detail of what happened from the past day or two.

"Let me explain Jimmy, but promise me you'll listen to me fully?" I asked him. He was like my elder brother. "Of course man, that's what we do." sweetly said Jimmy.

I wiped my brow, and let out a sigh of relief. He started driving towards Starbucks. I was glad because I could really use a coffee.

On the drive there I explained every little detail of what happened. "Woah there dude, what have you gotten yourself in to?.. Man, I understand but Jess has been there forever with you thick and thin. But do you really think Aria is the one?" said Jimmy.

This is why I loved him. He was always there and listened to me. "Man I dunno, that's why I'm confused. I really do love Jess. But explain the feelings I feel with Aria? Those sparks that run through my veins. It's confusing I need time to think." I said sadly feeling a wave of guilt crash upon me, hitting me roughly and directly at my heart.

"I understand pal, but just know I'm here to listen to you. I can't fully help you right now because you're confused yourself at the moment." sweetly said Jimmy.

*Third Person Narration*

At the house, Nancy and Aria were enjoying themselves, until Nancy went to the bathroom to place some phone calls to her parents. Also, to check on Winnie. 

Justin and Jimmy were cracking jokes, hanging out being good friends. Justin loved hanging out with Jimmy. 

Everything was going fine, until they heard someone say "I heard all that... I can't believe you Justin".. It was a feminime voice. It didn't sound like Jess but who knows?......

A/N: I like leaving you guys at cliffhangers, But please I want at least 5-10 votes for me to update again. It hurts my feelings when I don't get votes but I get enough reads. If you can read it you press the star and make me feel happier. I'll be dis-hearted If you guys don't but then again, I'm not giving up on the book. Fan, Vote, Comment my Timberlakers/Children <3 

 P.S Do you like the new cover or the old cover? And I'm thinking of changing the name to "She's a stranger I used to know" Is that better or the current name?

P.S.S I added a song on the side that someone told me to dedicate this chapter to. XD

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