Love Written Forever In Ink: Chapter 9

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*Justin's P.O.V*

Someone knocked on my car's window. I slightly turned my head to find my best friend Trace. He knew everything that was going on as well. I had called him right after everything happened. But why was he here? I let out a sigh and motioned for him to come sit in the car. There was so much going on right now, should I tell we need a break? What should I do?

"Hey, Justin.." Trace said while sitting in the passenger seat of my car. I turned my head to face him, I sighed and nodded as a form of response. "What's wrong Justin? We can talk. If you want we can stay here or go somewhere" I did need someone to talk to. It was hard to keep everything to my self. "Trace, thanks man. I really needed someone. And let's just stay here. It's a quiet town."I told him.

He nodded and his face expression told me to go on. "Trace. Honestly bro, I think I should tell Jess. Ask her for a break. Rather than cheat behind her back. That'd kill her more." I explained to him. Suddenly, his face reaction changed. I couldn't quite read his expression, he slowly nodded his head. I was confused. Was he agreeing to what I was saying or what? I peered at my best friend sitting beside me and titled my head in confusion. 

"I get what you're saying Justin. But will she be happy either way? What if you and Aria don't work out and Jess doesn't want to get back with you. Because you were unfaithful to her?" explained Trace. It made sense of what he was saying but still, If she found out I was unfaithful by someone else It'd hurt her so much more. 

"Yeah, but Trace If she found out from someone else.. That would kill her much more... Besides, the media is always on me. She'd find out one way or another" I explained thinking of all the paparazzi on me. He nodded and it seemed as if he understood. "True man, yeah go for it. As I know Jess too you're right. She'd understand more if you told her rather than hearing it from somewhere else." he said while nodding.

I was so glad to have such an understanding friend like Trace. "Thanks man, but how do I tell her? It's not as easy.." I said.  He gained a sympathetic look on his face. "Yo.. It is what it is, when she comes to Europe to visit, talk to her. Explain every little detail. Tell her If she wants to also see other men meanwhile go ahead." He explained. But that one part hit me so hard right in my heart like a blade piercing through 'If she wants to see other men meanwhile'. Would Jess really want that as well? Trace has realized what he said and apologized. "Im sorry man, but you have to face it. If you're seeing other women... She has the right as well" explained Trace. I understood what he was saying. I nodded and told him I needed time to myself. 

After Trace had left, I drove down to a private beach a friend of mine owned. He was in the city right now. I phoned him and asked him If I could stay there for the night. My next concert was on Monday. And I needed time to think peacefully tonight. I was depressed and lost for words. The same sentence kept strucking my mind like a lightning bolt striking the ground. 'Meanwhile she can see other men'... It never occured to me that she would want that as well. I couldn't imagine sharing Jess with any one else. I wanted to be with Aria as well but I didn't want Jess going anywhere. Was this a wrong a feeling. I hadn't had realized that my car accidently went on to the wrong side of the road. It was getting really dark out and I saw a truck appearing closer. Suddenly, the tires of the truck slashed because the driver tried to stop but the truck lost complete control. My car got hit badly... My vision went all black and my mind went in a black void. 

*Aria's P.O.V* 

Justin hadn't called me all day today. I think I should call him he did seem upset about me being reluctant to express my feelings with him. I walked over to my bedroom and picked up my phone to call him. The bell kept ringing and ringing. I thought he may be busy.. I decided to turn on the t.v. I kept switching through the channels until something caught my eye. My heart beat started beating relentlessly. I dropped the remote and started crying. The headline of the news was...

A/N: Okay good enough for today.. Well I think so.. What do you guys think will happen? I'm sorry for the HUGE cliffhanger. Anyways! Please comment, It really helps! Comment, Vote, Fan!! And Let me know some idea's by messaging me! I'm going to be starting a "Question Of The Update" thing where I'll ask you guys a question. I'll answer it as well. I want to know you guys! So for today it is "What's you're opinion of Jessica Biel and Justin Timberlake? The media portrays they have issues do you believe them?" To be honest, I honestly don't believe the media. Come on just look at them together they're perfect! But sometimes, I do get affected by the media as well! Over all, who ever makes Justin happy is all that matters at the end of the day! 

~Comment, Vote, Fan!!

Love Written Forever In Ink! (A Justin Timberlake fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now