Love Written Forever In Ink Chapter 33.

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Chapter 33

*Justin's P.O.V*

It was a really chilly morning in New York. I didn't get why we just didn't go back to L.A now. Even though I loved New York. I just wanted to be able to walk around shirtless without freezing to death. I sighed and walked towards the kitchen with a blanket wrapped around me.

Suddenly my phone snapped me back in to reality, I was zoned out in to the world of my thoughts.

"Hello?" I asked curiously the number was unknown.

"Hey it's Aria. I just realized I left my phone at home. Calling from a phone booth" I heard my girlfriend speak on the other end.

"Oh. Hey babe." I said sweetly. She had left earlier this morning with Nancy and Winnie to shop.

"Hi, I wanted to tell you that, I wanted to take you out for dinner tonight. Does that sound appealing?" She spoke quite fast. It was hard to comprehend. I don't get why she was in a rush.

I could hear muffled voices in the background, I couldn't make clear of them. It sounded like a man whispering to her.

"Sounds good. By the way.. Why didn't you just use Nancy's phone?" I said suspiciously.

"Terrific, and um" she hesitated and stopped.

I ran my hand through my hair and messed it up.

"And?" I whispered barely audible.

"Nancy and Winnie are in the children's section of a store." She managed to say.

That was strange, why couldn't she just say that in the first place? I was honestly dangerously in love with her. It was stupid, she hurt me, used me, and tortured me most of all but I always ended up following her. An exasperated sigh escaped my lips before I spoke again.

"Okay. See you later." I managed to blurt out. Without even a good bye or I love you, Aria hung up. I really didn't know what to do. It would be our one year anniversary a couple days from now. I couldn't just leave her like that. Besides, I had gotten used to this. I let out a tiny groan and plopped down on to the couch.

I nervously bit my lower lip and clasped my hands together. Did I even love Aria? Did I love any one? I questioned my heart. No women was ever faithful, I may have made a couple mistakes myself, but I've been through so much it's not even comprehendible.

I wanted to keep my mind off of everything and I decided to call my mother. I hadn't spoke to her in a long while,

"Hello?" I heard her say, my moms voice honestly made everything. She was the best mom any one could ever ask for.

"Hi mom" I said cheerily.

"Oh Justin! How are you my little baby?" My mom said excitedly.

"I'm good, happy if that's what you're asking" I said not quite sure if the words that escaped my lips were the words that my heart wanted to speak.

"I see, I heard what happened with Jess. I'm with you my baby boy" my mom said comforting me. I really needed her. I just wanted to lay my head in her lap and tell her everything like I used to when I was a child.

"Thank you. I love you mommy" I laughed. She laughed and told me she had to go. Stephan and Jonathan got in to a fight at school she had to go pick them up. My brothers were messed up, but at least their love lives were amazing,

I hadn't realized that I had dozed off to deep sleep until I felt Aria nudging me carefully. "Babe.. What about dinner?" She whispered. Crap, I had totally forgot. "Give me 30 minutes. I'll shower and get ready" I said panicking. "It's okay! The reservation is at 7:00 it's only 6:00" she said assuring me.

I squeezed her hand that rested on my shoulder. She looked deep in to my eyes and all I could see was a sparkle of guilt. Also, a hint of hatred pierced through her eye. It disappeared long before I could form something from it.

"Okay, I got this!" I laughed and sprang to life again. I dashed for the shower and hopped in letting the hot water relax my body.


"Justin, are you ready?!" I heard Aria yell, I zipped up my pants and fixed my bow tie.

"Yep, let's go!" I called out to her. I walked with a smile on my face. She looked up at me and smiled sexily. She was wearing a beautiful elegant black dress corresponding to my black suit.

I let out my hand and she grabbed a hold of my hand. The proximity of her to my body raced my heart beat. She was so unusual, even after a year I still couldn't crack her code but I knew that I was going to stay with her. I had promised myself, no matter what I wouldn't fall for another women.

"Where we going though?" I asked starting a conversation and breaking the awkward silence.

"To your favourite Chinese restaurant" she smiled. I grinned at the thought of Chinese food nourishing the needs of my stomach. As if my stomach was on cue it grumbled. Aria let out a laugh, "Your stomach explains it all" she giggled, I felt my cheeks going red from embarrassment.

"Is this my only birthday gift?" I asked winking at her. She grinned and smiled evilly. "Nope, there's a huge one tomorrow morning" she smiled. I was curious but I didn't question it. "Okay, I'll be waiting, what bout tonight though?" I said turning my head to her. I saw a blush creep up her neck, "I'm trying to drive, shh" she laughed. I laughed and continued to sit tight until we reached the restaurant.

*** After the dinner ***

The dinner was mostly just small talk and delicious food. I was blown away of how spontaneous their food tasted, I just couldn't get enough of it. It was quite dark and I had changed from my classy outfit to just a black pair of boxers. Aria was wearing a big t-shirt of mine, her favourite.

I walked up to her and lied in bed with her, I hovered above her and smiled, "So I love you beautiful," I whispered sexily while pressing my lips on to her neck.

"I do too" she whispered not really saying I love you back, it was weird but I shook it off. "Can I give you a little present tonight before you give me your present?" I whispered seducing her. She abruptly shook her head, "Nope, you won't have any energy left for the surprise tomorrow if we have fun tonight" she whispered. I sighed and got off of her.

"I'm so glad I chose you" I whispered after a while. I saw guilt wash over her eyes and she replied with a soft sweet kiss on my lips. She didn't twitch like she used to when she kissed me, she used to twitch because she felt electricity flow through us. I placed one arm protectively over her and drifted to sleep.

"Good night Justin, Happy Birthday" I heard Aria whisper at 12:00 am, I was half awake. But soon I fell asleep again with out and clue of what was going on in reality...

Tomorrow was my birthday and all I wanted was Aria and I to be together forever and always.

A/N: So this was a filler chapter basically because I hadn't updated in a long time. Mostly because I was upset over things, anyways QOTU: what do you think aria's big surprise is?


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