Love Written Forever In Ink Chapter 25

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* Aria's P.O.V *

How dare he? How could he tell Jess? I should've just stayed the way I was with him. I shouldn't have opened up to him. All that ever happens when I open up to someone is I get torn apart. I looked down to see Justin on his knees beside the bed. "Aria forgive me" he whispered. His eyes were full with guilt and his eyes looked sulky as if he was crying.

I guess I understood, his position. He just found out that his wife was pregnant with his best friend. I grabbed his hair and pulled back a bit "Promise you'll never do it again. I don't want to be the person I was before" I said a bit rude. He shook his head and apologized. "I want us to be like we were before, I don't care how you are anymore. I love you. That's it. Jess and I are done.." He managed to say. I could see that it was killing him to say that. "She's pregnant, with JC as I told you before. There's absolutely no chance of us anymore" he said.

I nodded and pulled him to a hug. "I love you Justin. Don't hurt me. Please." I said to him sincerely. I hated being the person I was and still kind of am. He was helping me, his love was my magical potion that helped me through everything. I never understood how ones action could change someone entirely. But as I saw now, I looked at Justin with his head buried in my lap and I running my hand through his hair. How my actions changed his life; a strong man begging for forgiveness, I made him weak and fragile.

I knew that If I pulled one more stunt on him that he would collapse that his heart wouldn't be able to stand the pressure of my weight on it. I exhaled a deep breathe and smiled. "Ok." Was all I said, I saw Justin look up at me with bloodshot eyes. I knew that I wasn't the only reason he was crying. "I forgive you, let's forget what happened okay?" I said to him. I wanted him to be able to breathe properly with out some one ripped the air right out of his lungs. I gave him another chance. As soon as he realized what I had just said his eyes sparkled with joy.

It was the first time I saw him sincerely happy. His bright blue eyes, went from dark and gloomy to bright full of joy. "Are you serious?" he asked. "Yes, fresh start. I love you." I said to him. He smiled. "Do you want to dance yogi?" He asked randomly. I quickly nodded with joy.

"A thousand years by Christina Perri eh?" I asked him. "Yep! I love it" he jumped up and down. "You little girl" I laughed at him. He shook his head and clicked play. I walked over to him and unbuttoned a couple top buttons of his shirt. He put his hands on my cheeks and kissed me first while staring in to my eyes he slid his hands down to my waist. I cocked my head to the right and looked at him. I then filled the gap between us. I wrapped my arms around his neck and dug my head in to his neck. His scent was amazing, it was one of those colognes where all you want to do is keep smelling the person.

He slowly sang the lyrics of the song to me while we moved in a rhythmic dance. I shut my eyes and embraced the moment; our bodies grinding close together. His warm body heat making me feel warm. Even though it was hot outside, I felt goosebumps on my skin, and his body heat healed that. I could feel his heart beating persistently on my chest. "One step closer, I have died everyday waiting for you, darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years" I chimed in. I removed my head from his neck and looked in to his eyes that looked so gentle and tender.

The way he held me, he held me as if I was a fragile and gentle toy. As if I'd crack and shatter apart any second. He held me with so much tenderness and care. I leaned in and I cold feel his warm minty breathe brushing my lips. He closed the gap. We were just dancing and kissing while the beaming light from the moon glimmered on us. We were so lost in the moment that we had forgotten everyone's existence around us. It was only us now, no one else. And no one could break this love bubble we were willingly captured in.

* Justin's P.O.V *

I was doomed, I had fallen for Aria. There was no returning back now. I swooped her up and walked upstairs to our bedroom. Yes, our bedroom. It was full with memories of Aria and I now. She had her legs wrapped around my waist and I was still kissing her. As soon as I entered the bedroom, I lied her down on the bed and hovered on top. I lied there looking at her beautiful body that was pressed beneath me. I felt her smile up at me and I started kissing her neck. "Oh you're in my veins and I cannot get you out" I whispered to her.

Love Written Forever In Ink! (A Justin Timberlake fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now