Love Written Forever In Ink Chapter 22

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*Justin's P.O.V*

It was September 7th now, Aria and I were in my Kansas City concert. Aria and I had gotten pretty good together. At times, she hurt me again, and it was pretty painful, but it wasn't too bad. I was helping her and she was much better than before. We took boxing classes and I trained her with the professional. She opens up to me and she talks much more to me. It was pretty surprising in only a couple of months she was really close to me. I could finally talk to my family and friends, everything was honestly going great. But tomorrow I had to meet Jess.

I was getting ready in my dressing room until I heard a knock on the door. I opened to find Aria. "Hey babe!" I said to her. She pulled me in to a hug and smiled. "Hello sexy" she said winking. "Hey" I simply replied. "Nervous? It's only your second concert of mine, babe. You sing terrific. I should call you on stage" I told her. She look terrified. "No no!! You better not!" she yelled. "Oh but I will. Just wait and see" I laughed. "I'll call you during mirrors. I'll sing a verse then you will" I told her. She nodded but looked nervous. I laughed and got her to finish putting my bow tie on.

** During Concert ***

"These hoes ain't loyal!!!!" I yelled out after singing Cry me a river. I saw a sign saying "I just wanna see you strip JT" I laughed and walked over to two girls. "So you wanna see me strip?" I pointed at them. They looked shocked and nodded. "Strip Justin strip Justin" is what the crowd chanted. I decided to take off my shirt, it was pretty hot in here. "Okay!! Fine.. I'll do it" I said in my boo boo voice. "But first everybody shake yo ass" I yelled out. I shook my butt while unbuttoning my shirt. I took it off and twirled it around. And I threw it to one of the girls holding up the sign. Suddenly they started throwing dollar bills at me. "So now I'm your stripper? No dirty business" I said shaking my finger. Then I threw my undershirt to the other girl.

They were jumping up and down and yelled "We love you!!! So freaking much" I laughed and said "I love you two so much too! But no more dollar bills. Don't wanna waste your money" I said laughing. They started laughing and crying while clutching on to my clothing tightly. I laughed at how cute they were, I missed performing. As soon as mirrors came on I decided to call Aria up on stage. "Well guys, I'm going to call my beautiful girlfriend up on stage to sing mirrors with me." I told the crowd. They all cheered happily. I was surprised that they were fine with Aria and I. I guess they all didn't like Jess. But I hated those fans, who didn't accept Jess. If I loved her, they should love her too.

What did Britney and I have to do now? Luckily those cuts were healed and gone that Britney also caused. The only cuts left was on my abdomen and lower back and some on my legs but those were covered by the pants. If they knew was Britney did to me, they'd never love her again, but I wouldn't do that to her because she's still a human and has feelings. Soon Aria came up to stage and I grabbed her hand and held it tight. I handed Aria a mic and nodded at her. She smiled and held my hand tight. The whole crowd went wild in awe, and I winked at them while running my hand through my hair.

"OMG sexy armpits!!" Some fan yelled out. I went on to my knees and laughed while covering my face. "Honestly before I sing all I wanna say is I love you guys so much. You fans make me, and I admire you guys so much" he said while standing up again.

"Aren't you somethin' to admire?
'Cause your shine is somethin' like a mirror
And I can't help but notice
You reflect in this heart of mine
If you ever feel alone and
The glare makes me hard to find
Just know that I'm always
Parallel on the other side" I said singing first while looking straight at Aria.

"'Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul
I can tell you there's no place we couldn't go
Just put your hand on the glass
I'll be tryin' to pull you through
You just gotta be strong" Aria sang next, I smiled and nodded. She was really good.

Love Written Forever In Ink! (A Justin Timberlake fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now