p r o l o g e

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A/N- this is actually quite important to the story but isn't a chapter!

hello, my name is Josie. I'm blonde, blue eyes, not skinny, very unattractive, untalented, and last but not least spends lunch in a bathroom stall. Why you ask? Because my "friends" would rather hang out with your usual pretty and popular school enemy. No, this isn't another stupid high school drama, this is real life my friends. So here i sit in this lonely stall and ponder about what could have been if i would have just kept my mouth shut. This "enemy" i have, is actually a crazy nice person. I just let my jelousy take over, and i ended up making a complete and utter fool of myself. The moment my friends started hanging out with her, i panicked. Because she, unintentionally, has done this to me three fucking times. In sixth grade, she started dating my best friend and crush of the past two years, leaving him to forget about me. In seventh grade, the guy i really really liked happened to just fall in love with her and never pay attention to me, which like i stayed before, isn't her fault, And now comes eighth grade and there goes my friend group. Like sure, I have other friends of course, but they have other groups too, and that kinda leaves me as an outcast. So many people laugh at the fact that i spend my only 20 minutes of free time here, but to be honest, this is the best idea I've ever had. I can be on my phone, which is forbidden in the school, and i don't have to listen to the constant bitching of everyone at my table. I never ate lunch anyway, all i can ever bring is what, a sandwich? not hungry thank you very much. Enough of that, back to the actual point in this story. If i just would have kept my mouth shut. I very much verbally told my group my feelings to this girl, which probably traveled back to her making me seem like the bad one. but do you really blame me here? My life really isn't too difficult. Sure, everyone has the occasional bump in the road but for the most part, I've got it pretty darn good. Like the other day for an example, i finally got a part in a short film. Nothing special but hey, better then nothing! Considering my life hasn't been ideal, i decided to write a story about what i wish i could say, and what i wish i was really doing. And what is that you ask?

I want to speak my mind.

I want to do what i love, and be recognized for it.

I want to be my idea of beautiful.

I want to be friends with the fucking it cast.

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