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Today was the first day on set together. They started filming today, but we were just there to get a feel of the set, and settle into our trailers. Sophia and I had one together, Jaeden and Wyatt shared one also, and finn was the lucky duckling who got his own.

"Okay everyone, welcome to the set! I'm excited to work with all of you, again or for the first time. Here are some papers with some traits of your character to play around with and stuff while you guys reherse together. There are acting coaches who will also be teaching you how to play your characters the best you can." Said Andy, and he exited with a wave shortly after.

I read through the paper, and the character seemed pretty close to me. Quiet, but funny once you get to know them.

All of us were in Wyatt and Jaedens room, quietly reading through the prologue, and some of the under developed scenes. There were a lot, considering a lot of it would be improv, or written out later.

it all seemed really good, and what I had expected of the film, but there was one thing that stood out to me.

me and Wyatt have a lot of scenes where it's just us.

I didn't think much of it until I got to the end of the script, and I read a full on makeout scene.

I guess me and Wyatt were at the same part considering both of us made eye contact with red faces, and immediately looked back down and attempted to look like nothing had happend.

"Ooooo ha ha.." Said finn as he read the script and wiggled his brows.

"Oh shut it Wolfhard." Said Sophia as she threw a pillow at him.

I was still completely spaced out- wouldn't they tell you this kind of thing?

"Um, I'll be right back." I Said as I went into the bathroom.

Sophia's pov

"I knew we should have told her!" Said Wyatt as he looked at me and back at the rest.

"I wasn't sure how she'd react!" I Said in defense.

"She might not have even wanted to do it!" Said Jaeden.

"Oh so I'm that bad!" Said Wyatt.

"It's not that!" I Yelled

"Do you blame her though?" Said finn.

Everyone erupted in argument but it all stopped once josie came out of the bathroom with a confused expression.

"Is everything okay..?" She asked, looking at all of us.

Wyatt got up out of his chair and walked up to josie.

"Honestly if your not comfortable with thi-" he started.

"Oh no no no, I'm fine with it- honestly." She Said with a smile.

"You sure?" Wyatt said with a half smile.

"Yea I mean it's just acting right?"
"Just acting? You really think I meant that? What the fuck Sophia!" josie said as the door to our apartment had shut, leaving us alone after a long day on set.

"It really isn't a big deal, it's just a kiss." I Said

"a kiss?!? BITCH I was reading fucking smut!" She Said.

"Okay maybe I am over reacting." She Said laughing.

"See!" I added.

"Plus that's one of the last scenes they film, so you have plenty of time to process it." I Said. "Also, When was the last time you kissed someone anyway?"

"Sophia, we've known eachother for a long time. You know I don't do relationships." She Said

"Well I think you should!" I Said.

Maybe she's right. I mean I obviously do like Wyatt, maybe I should tell Sophia..

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