t w e n t y s e v e n

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the ride to her house was filled with loud music and laughter. Considering how late it was, I felt really bad for our uber driver.

Finn had bought an energy drink at the airport, making him act as if he was on drugs.

Sophia was sleep deprived, and so was Jaeden. So they were pretty entertaining to watch. My friends being obnoxious was surprisingly good, because it was a distraction from my thoughts telling me everything is going to go wrong.

I decided to switch my mindset. We're just going to visit our friend, our best friend, who we haven't seen in a little bit.

soon enough, we arrived to her house. It was 4 am, but I had no doubt in my mind that she wasn't going to be awake.

we decided to call her, so that way she would actually answer the door. Because who would open the door at 4 am?

Josie answered Sophia's phone call almost immediately.

"Hey!" She exclaimed.

"Hi!" Said Sophia, looking at us to give her a clue on what to say.

"What's up?" She asked.

"Um nothing really, Uh can you open your door?" She Said, slightly laughing at her awkwardness.

"Um why?"

"Uh you'll see?"

We heard feet going down the stairs from over the phone, letting us know she was on her way to the door.

"Hold up, are you guys HERE?" She Said, you could here the smile in her voice.

the door then opened, completely knocking finn off of the little step to get to the door.

we however didn't notice and just joined in a giant group hug.

"What are you guys doing here?" She asked, still smiling like an idiot.

"I had the next week off." I Said, smiling like an idiot just like her.

"Hey um where's Finn?" Asked Jaeden.

"On the ground..." he groaned.

After we helped Finn up, we began to get settled in.

Finn and Jaeden were arguing over who got the couch to themselves and who had to share the air mattress, Sophia and Josie had already established that she would be staying with her in her room.

Me however, was helping Josie find the air mattress.

"It could literally be anywhere, I haven't had a sleepover in like three years." She Said laughing, rummaging through the closet.

"I'm sorry I didn't give you a heads up, I just thought it would be fun to surprise you." I said.

"Oh no, seriously it's fine!" She said smiling.

"I'm really glad you're here." She said looking at me.

"I'm really glad I'm here too." I said looking back at her.

"Hey! I think I found the air mattresses." Yelled Sophia.

"Oh awesome, let me make sure there not the ones the cat got into." She Said laughing, walking out of the closet.

I realize after she left, that it would have been a good moment to talk about what we actually are?

In regret, I go to finn and Jaeden, who are still arguing.

"Hey guys, didn't you just hear them? Air mattresses? Plural." I Said to them, breaking up the argument.

"Oh." They both said.

"Okay guys so we actually only have one air mattress... the other one my cat popped a bunch of holes in." Josie said, walking into the living room.

"So I guess one person gets the couch and then two people share the mattress? I mean it's a king size." Said Sophia.

"DIBS ON THE COUCH." Finn and Jaeden said at the exact time.

"OKAY ENOUGH!" Yelled Sophia.

"since you guys are literally four years old, Wyatt gets the couch." Josie said with a smile.

"that's so unfair!" Said finn.

Not bothered, josie went to the kitchen and pulled out a bag of popcorn.

Jaeden looked at Sophia, as if he was saying 'what the hell' through his eyes.

Sophia laughed it off and joined Josie in eating the popcorn.

Finn, being sleep deprived, was now extra whiny.

"You just gave him the couch because he's your boyfriend!" Finn whined, falling down onto the couch.

"you're not wrong." She Said laughing, face full of popcorn.

She didn't correct him.

she DIDNT correct him?!?

A/n- this chapter was shit lmao but I'm leading up to what I want to do. I don't know if you guys are gonna be happy 😬

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