t h i r t y f o u r

896 23 6

the day was passing quickly. waking up at two in the afternoon definitely helped with that. It was my mistake falling asleep at four, but our flight doesn't leave till 9 o'clock tonight. It was currently five, and the day was beginning to slow down. I was all packed, sophia had her stuff together as well, I had cleaned the coffee maker to make sure it wouldn't rot inside it while I was gone, I had done everything. I was starting to get impatient, I just wanted to get there.

I walked into my empty room and sat on the edge of my bed. its always a weird feeling to see your room packed up, but this time, it was bitter sweet. I was finally going back to LA. The plan was to leave the house at 7, but i don't think i could wait that long.

I kept checking my phone too see if i had anything to distract me, but i didn't.

I continued to turn my phone on an off until i saw a notification from wyatt.


(wyatt & josie)



what times your flight

it's at 9

nooooo why is it so late

Ikr! it's prolly cause people like to sleep on planes.

do u sleep on planes?

can't. I hardly sleep anyway lmao.

you fell asleep last night, my mind was blown.

oh hush

Kinda bummed, I mean I didn't get another airport goodbye 🙃

what's with you and only being flirty when we're in different states 🙂

errr gotsa go!

Read 5:34pm


I chuckled as I turned off my phone. hes such a dork.

"hey soph?" i said, walking into the living room.

"whats up." 

"can we leave now?" 

"josie, its only 5:00."

"your point." i chuckled, putting my backpack on.



"what are you stressing about where you need to get there now."

"im excited!"

"you saw all of them literally yesterday." she laughed.

"can we just get out of the house! lets go do something!"

"gee you get more then two hours of sleep and youre phyco." 

i laughed, and pulled my luggage closer to me. I continued to look at sophia until she agreed with me and we left the house.

I laughed like a kid going to disney world in the car.

"what are you so giddy about?" she laughed, not taking her eyes off the road.

"im just happy to be going back to LA! i cant wait to live in the same state with wy- you guys again."

"ahhh i see what this is about." 

"what do you mean?"

"youre excited because when you live in LA, you and wyatt wont be pilly-wags or whatever the fuck that is." 

"wait how do you know what that is-"

"oh i read all your texts."

"soph!" i laughed

"oh cmon its not usually very interesting, you guys are weird." 

i laughed and looked out the window.

"so admit it." said sophia with a smile.


"admit your happy to go la so you can be in a genuine relationship!" 



i giggled and went on my phone.

"okay okay, i get you don't do relationships and you don't like talking about it, but you got to give us something! you've got a genuine guy who really really likes you. You're probably confusing him like crazy! kissing him at an airport, calling him your boyfriend by accident, but never telling him how you actually feel!" she yelled. 

"okay fine! i want to date wyatt, and i want to do the whole girlfriend boyfriend thing. Happy now?"

"was that so hard?"

i rolled my eyes and laughed.

the rest of the car ride was fun. We just jammed to some high quality music, such as big time rush and austin and ally. 

unfortunately, there was heavy traffic.

we actually made it to the airport at 7:30.

"arent you glad we left early?" i said, placing my bags on the conveyor to go on the plane.

"youre such a brat." she laughed.

i smiled at her and we walked to security.

It didnt take long for us to get through, and we were at our gate by 8.

we decided to go get some food. The only place that was open was mcdonalds, and i enjoyed every goddamn bite.

we sat outside the gate waiting to called. It wasnt long before we boarded the plane. I had the biggest butterflies in my stomach. I was so excited to go see wyatt.

a/n- this chapter was just setting up for the next chapter. I promise next chapter will actually have some juice lmao :)

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