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Josies POV

What am I gonna wear! I have to look cute, this is the It cast for heavens sake!

After a while of deciding, I put on some high waisted jeans, a wizard of oz baseball tee from one of the old shows I did, and white converse. I let my hair down, and put on a tiny bit of mascara. I looked okay, I guess.

Sophia sat in the living room, waiting with my phone. I came out and grabbed my phone right out of her hands. She knew my passcode, and she was reading my text conversations.

"Ugh it was just getting good!"she whined as she walked out the door.

We arrived at the pizza place, and we were the first ones there. I was shaking my leg like crazy, it's what I do when I get nervous. Me and Sophia were sitting on one side of the booth, and there was a chair at the end so everyone could fit in one booth.

Soon enough, they all arrived. Wyatt sat in front of me, Jaeden next to him, and finn on the end.

"Yellow.." I Said as they all came in and sat down.

"Well hello." Said Jaeden with one of his stupid faces. I let out a light chuckle as I looked at the menu.

The bantar was casual, besides my brain doing flips every time I made eye contact with anyone. But whenever I made eye contact with Wyatt, my heart felt like it was about to explode. I dont know what it was. I mean, I obviously liked them all in the way if there celebrities and their cute as hell but, there was something deeper with Wyatt.. but I'd obviously never admit that out loud.

The waiter came around to order our drinks a few minutes after we all sat down.

"Would y'all like anything to drink?" She asked

"Sprite." Said Sophia

"Water." Said finn

"Orange soda." Said Jaeden

"Rootbeer." Said me and Wyatt at the the same time, causing both of us to laugh as finn gags.

"What's wrong with rootbeer?" I asked

"It's disgusting!" He Said

"How?" Said Wyatt

"It's just... I don't even know!!" He Said laughing

"He doesn't like dr. Pepper either!" Said Wyatt

"What a monster!" I Said causing the table to laugh.

Soon enough, we all had our food and everyone was chowing up a storm. I got a burger, same as everyone else. Sophia, Jaeden, and Finn were all wrapped up in there conversation about the movie, but I was too busy stacking my fries to notice.

"What are you doing?" Laughed Wyatt as he examined my plate.

"Oh! Um I always like to write out thank you with left over fries.. I don't really know why." I Said laughing and examining my creation.

"Are you gonna finish your pickle?" He asked, pointing to the small remains of a baby pickle slice.

"I can only eat half a pickle." I Said laughing.

"Huh?" He asked, also laughing.

"I have no idea why, but after I eat half of a pickle, even if it's half of a half, it's no longer tastes good to me." I Said

"Your a strange one." He said laughing as he started also writing messages with his fries.

Once I got over the fact that I was talking to my icons, I calmed down a bit. Once everyone finished eating, we decided to talk about the movie.

"So you guys excited to start filming?" asked Jaeden.

"Crazy excited." I Said with a half smile, obviously still being cautious of my every move and word.

"Same here." Said Sophia

Wyatt and Finn both agreed.

"The only thing is I'm gonna have to pretend to be friends with Sophia." I Said clenching my teeth together, pretending to cringe at the situation.

"Hey!" Sophia said laughing as she through a fry at me. Jokes on her, I caught it in my mouth.

"I've only been told about who I'm playing, and that Sophia's my best friend. Do you guys know who the lead is?" I asked.

"Um you?" Laughed Jaeden.

"Hmm?" I Said

"Well we all have pretty equal roles but the stories about you." Said Sophia

"Would have been nice to know." I Said laughing.

"Um so who do you all play." I asked.

"I'm Jonathan, I play one of your close friends." Said finn

"I'm joey, and I'm just as close as them."

"I'm max and im-" he started before he quickly stopped talking and blurred out "friend."

As confused as I was, I didn't say anything about it.

we all ended up sitting there chatting for the next 3 hours, there all so nice. Wyatt is by far the nicest though. My favorite part about him is when he laughs he looks down and his curls fall- *coughs* he's nice.

The night eventually came to an end, and it was just me and Sophia in the apartment.

"I told you they'd love you!" Sophia said

"Yea but it was probably just an act-" I started.

"Why can't you accept people don't hate you!" She Said laughing.

"I don't know, it's just.." I started

"Here, ill prove it."

{group chat without josie.}

So what did you all think of Josie

she was really nice and funny.

Yea agreed. She has pretty good taste in music too

{ end chat }

"See!" She Yelled

".. w-w-what did w-Wyatt say.." I Said pretending to. Be as calm as possible, but obviously failing.

"Ummmm- oh he's typing."

She's awesome. And to finn, HAVE YOU HEARD HER SONGS!

"That's what Wyatt said." Said Sophia as she showed me the group chat.

"they want me to add you." She Said

I nodded, and notifications were flooding in.

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