t h i r t y e i g h t

514 12 18

new years has passed, and time was ticking for josie to get a job. her mother had called her multiple times, and josie kept saying she had auditions coming up, but she didn't.

she couldn't leave, she had wyatt, and her friends, and now, a dog.

she feared going home, she hated it there. she wanted to be here, where her life was.

after a while of searching, she finally found a role she could audition for.

it was short notice, and she had no idea if she was going to make it in time.

the auditions were a few hours away, so without telling anyone, she headed there.

she arrived safely, can't say she looked her best though.

she crammed looking at the script to prepare before being called into the room ten minutes after arriving.

she gave the audition all she had, and managed to get the part.

ecstatic after hearing the news a day after on the phone, she was immediately disappointed. they wouldn't be filming in los angeles, not even california.

they would be filming in toronto canada.

josies pov

i put the phone down carefully, and i sat on the couch.

i have no clue what i'm soposed to do. acting is my dream, and this role was great, but it wasn't anywhere near the direction i wanted to stay in.

i mean i'm 15, i cant base my life decisions on my boyfriend...

i walked around the apartment i had just moved back into. i picked up my dog, who i named phoebe, yes like phoebe buffett, and flopped on the couch.

"what am i gonna do?" i said in a high pitched voice to the clueless phoebe

just then, i heard keys rattle by the front door of the apartment. he was finally at the house.

he had been working on a video with jake, and we had plans to order in tonight.

"hey." he said, putting his keys down.

"hey wy?" i said, holding the puppy in my arms.

"yes?" he asked.

"um i got a part." i half smiled.

"that's great!" he smiled. this was going to break my heart.

i decided to cut right to the chase, i had to just rip off the band aid.

"it's being filmed in toronto." i frowned, avoiding eye contact.

"are you taking it?" he asked, you could tell he was hurt.

"i have too."

"the whole reason you were looking for stuff was to stay here." he said confused

"that was a bonus, my mom said she would get a house, it would be better for the dog-" i started.

"i'm sorry, why are you just agreeing to all this. i thought you wanted to stay here."

"i do! but i can't just let this opportunity go-"

"yes you could, easily."

"why are you getting so pissed off, the whole reason i came here in the first place was to act." i said, getting angry. he was being such an ass, why couldn't he be supportive.

"the whole reason you looked for a part was to stay here with me. am i just not enough?"

"hey, what? where'd you get that?" i said, hurt.

"cause if you just want to go to toronto, why don't you just go home?" he yelled.

i stayed silent. i was shocked. i expected him to be upset, but i never thought he'd yell.

"you know what, why don't i just go home." he said, leaving the apartment.

a/n- oops

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