t h i r t y s e v e n

655 15 23

this is a bonus chapter and doesn't really effect the plot in any way, but enjoy! happy holidays everyone :)

christmas, a time for love.

our tree took up a majority of the living room. it didnt quite feel like christmas with an artificial tree, though.

"i still wish this was a real tree." i sighed, looking at the plastic branches, wishing they smelled like pine rather then the factory it cane from.

wyatt put his arm around me and rubbed the side of my arm. "me too, why can't we get a real one?" he asked.

"do you really think we are capable of bringing a real life tree into our apartment?" said finn, desperately trying to open a box of decorations.

"true." said me and wyatt simultaneously.

i used to love everything about christmas but now, i guess it just wasn't as fun. maybe it was because we were putting up the tree on christmas eve?

i guess it just comes with age, but i was still disappointed. but on the other hand, i had everything i could ever want.

i had a great boyfriend, great friends, and an awesome apartment. the only thing i needed for christmas was a job, so i wouldn't have to move back home next year.

"hey have you found any jobs yet?" asked sophia.

"unfortunately, no." i sighed.

"she'll find one, she has plenty of time. she's only been home for a few days." said wyatt.

"wy, ive been home for almost three weeks now." i sighed.

"it's been that long?!"

"i don't know what i'm gonna do, nobody casts movies at christmas time!"

the rest of the night was pretty laid back, we watched a few christmas movies before passing out on the couch.

the next morning i woke up to the same amount of presents i had fallen asleep too. not saying that there wasn't much, but no "santa" magic done.

although, wyatt was no longer asleep next to me.

"hey, have any of you seen wyatt?" i said, yawning.

"nope." jaeden smirked.

what was this boy up too?

i went to the kitchen and got myself some coffee, and waited for everyone to wake up.

soon, wyatt came inside with a box and some iced coffee.

"last minute christmas presents?" laughed sophia.

"not even close." he smiled, handing me my coffee with a kiss on my head.

"thank you wy." i said, dragging out the y.

"okay, you need to open this one first." he said, carefully putting the box on the floor.

"okay..." i said, kind of nervous.

i opened the top of the box to see the cutest dog i've ever seen in my entire fucking life.

it was a chocolate lab puppy, and it couldn't have been more then a few months old.

"you didn't-" i yelled, looking at the dog in shock with the biggest smile on my face.

"i did." he smiled back.


"yes your mom knows."

"is it-"

"it's a boy."

"are you-"

"the best boyfriend ever, yes."

a/n- i'm really sorry for what i'm about to do.

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