f i f t e e n

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Josies POV

"Do you wanna leave?"

"I guess we could sneak back to the apartment-" I started.

"No I mean like really leave." Wyatt Said with half a smile. What was he up to?

"Yeah, lets just pack up and leave without the others." I Said sarcastically.

"Yes, lets do exactly that."

"... I can't tell if your being serious or not?" I Said.

"Think about it, we both just got paid, have a week off, and our parents don't care enough to make plans to come visit. Now are you down or not?" He Said laughing.

I was really excited now. He was right, there was literally no reason not to. There really wasn't a really a reason to either...

so off we went. we went to Wyatt's place first because it was closer to where we were.

"What are we exactly packing for?" I asked.

"Hmmm.." he thought.

"Hawaii? I've always wanted to go there."

"Wyryrhsbdnehw" was all I could spit out.

Wyatt laughed at my reaction and took it as a yes.
He packed pretty quick while I tried to book us a last minute flight to Honolulu... what the actual fuck is my life?

when we made it to me and Sophia's apartment, I quickly realized a very important factor in leaving without them.

"Hey Wy?"

"Yea?" He asked, raiding our fridge. I guess we left before he got to eat...

"Shouldn't they be done with breakfast soon?"


I sprinted to my room and shoved all my shit in a bag. I grabbed a pair of headphones and the Nintendo switch for the plane ride there.

we were just about to open the door when finn beat us too it.

"There you guys are, we've been looking all over for you...why do you have bags?" He asked.

"well fuck finn." Wyatt said as he flopped onto the couch.

Finn looked at me confused, and offended.

"What was that for?" He asked innocently.

"No, it's just you literally ruin everything." He Said angrily laughing as he pinched his nose.

I looked at Wyatt sympathetically, I mean he had a point. He ruined the kiss, and our vacation..

"Like what?" He Said.

"Just- nothing." I Said, trying to prevent a fight. It really wasn't Finns fault.

"What are the bags for?" He repeated.

"We were gonna go to Honolulu." Said Wyatt laughing.

"And we still are." I Said grabbing my bag.

"Sounds fun, I'll go pack." He Said leaving the apartment, laughing evil-ly.

"I'm so sorry josie I know you wanted to go somewhere without-"

"Hey listen it's fine, they would have jut followed us the moment we got there any way. It was a long shot..."

he gave me a small smile and grabbed his bag.

"Do you think finn already told Sophia and Jaeden?"

"Guerenteed." He Said laughing.

"Dont get me wrong, I love finn and all but fuck does he mess everything up." I Said laughing as well.

"Well here's the fuck up right now!" He Said enthusiasticly as he looked at his texts with finn.

"Finn and jack- on an island?! There's no escape

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"Finn and jack- on an island?! There's no escape.." He Said.

"They can't be that bad..." I Said.

"Oh pickles.." he said with sympathy.

oh no.

A/N- I feel like this chapter was bad but ugh I just needed to put something up, 18K ARE YALL FUCKING WITH ME?!? I love you guys so much <3

how do u guys feel about jack coming in to the story for a few chapters? anything you want to see happen in Hawaii? let me know in the comments!! I read them all and honestly y'all are hilarious 💛💛

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